Being Fat must suck

Tell that to my stationary (after I knocked him out) sparring partner.

I was being facetious, but there is some truth in what I say. There’s a really fat kid in my class and he punches weaker than 1/2 the girls in my class. I’m not tooting my own horn or anything - but I pretty much am sure that I hit just about as hard as the sensei does. I’m not completely fat or anything, but I could stand to lose some (fat) weight. Learn how to use what you have, you become nasty beyond what you ever imagined…

And yeah, fighting isn’t exactly something I go around looking to do, but I’ve sparred plenty, and still don’t see your point. I know fat big kids that will destroy most people in 2 punches and are faster than most people. I know fat big kids who punch like kittens. I know tiny skinny people who will assault you with more jabs than nyspeeders on newman’s sack, but be unable to block a simple roundhouse and get knocked the fuck out. I also know tiny skinny people who will knock even the biggest baddest opponent down in one punch.

I think I’m just pissed right now that I’m at work, and I think I read into your post way too much.

ranom english fact, facetious has all the vowels in the correct order.

sure as soon as i drop some useful real knowledge and facts everyone abandons the thread. god i hate my life.

I think we need to post fighting vids to prove points, I will repost that Fedor (PRIDE heavy weight champ) vid, if anythings inspired me to be a fighter that would have to be it.


sure as soon as i drop some useful real knowledge and facts everyone abandons the thread. god i hate my life.


So then post some more of your knowledge for everyone.