Being Unhealthy Could Cost You -- Money

If your directing that at me, then feel free. Because anyone that knows me, knows I am a fat ass diabetic. You got a problem with that?

I know this may sound reat, but it is only gonna ost us more in the end. I know more skinny ass healthly people that have died from massive heart attacks, then ay fat asses that I know.

And we all will be paying for everyones health care, just as soon a Mrs. Clinton gets elected pres. But then that will just come out as taxes, so you all wont mind right?

I apologize if I offended you. I was not aware that you had health conditions, I thought you were just saying that healthy people should not complain and should pay the higher premiums like everyone else.

I wasn’t saying “screw everyone that doesn’t have a six pack and has no fat on them”. What I was saying was that health insurance costs should be weighted. I have no control over what other people eat or how they go about their lives, but through my insurances that I pay, I am affected. I don’t feel that I should have to pay a premium for everyone elses’ mistakes. It may sound selfish but it is the way I feel. I am not saying that healthy people should pay 10 bucks a month for insurance and make all of the unhealthy people pay thousands a month, but I am saying that even lowering my costs my 50 to 100 bucks a month would be a step in the right direction.

now if they would only lower the cost of heatlhy foods!

No offense taken.

I personally think the high health care costs are less related to fat vs skinny, as it is related to stupid malpractice law suits. These judges give ridiculous winnings on malpractice law suits cost the doctors money in insurance premiums. Then those costs get carried on to the patient, and then on to the health care insurance companies.

Your insurance rates are already weighted by your groups experience. How much effect it has on YOUR rate is a function of the size and average age of your group.
Having a company pull this shit is a VERY slippery slope…because the logical next step will be for the companies to start surcharging you for engaing in what they determine to be risky behavior. Behavior that THEY deem to be risky enough that it could result in more and larger claims…like owning and racing a high performance vehicle.
Yea, i know, that will never happen…uh-huh, sure it won’t.

Absolutely agree! Fucking worthless ambulance chasers. They are leeches on the body of society.

Health Insurance as we know it, is not insurance at all, it is merely a spreading of the cost over a larger group.

Free health care, what a bunch of BS, anyone who thinks that’s a good idea needs to go back to HS and take a basic economics class. How about free gasoline, potable water, cotton underwear, bread? What’s the difference with health insurance? A free market will always yield the best prices and service. Look at computers, TVs, etc.

I am all for this type of a program, sure it needs some fine tuning like the BMI/Bodyfat % issue, but they are on the right track. I too have been saying this for years. If you go to the Dr. for every cut, scratch and bruise, your rates should go up. I don’t report every tiny scratch or dent to my car insurance…and we all know why…I don’t want to pay the deductible, and have my rates go up. Health insurance should be more like car insurance.

I say we reduce the involvement of HMOs and insurance (the most wasteful parts of the healthcare, that make the most money) by getting rid of bullshit copays for minor crap. Any event under $500 should be paid out of pocket.

If you are at the doctor all the damn time for any reason, your rates should be higher than my 105/65 BP ass. I haven’t ran in 3 years, and my BP is low as crap. My Grandfather is on BP meds, the doc told my dad to get on them, but he went on a diet instead. My uncle is on high BP meds. I could complain and say it’s hereditary, but in most cases it is not, it’s about diet.

Fatties and smokers should pay more, end of story. That’s why our current healthcare system is going in the crapper.

oh snap.

What about all of the hippies from the 70’s living a swingers life style? Damn talk about the wasted health care costs, treating idiots too stupid to screw without protection.:reloading

Let’s not forget alchohol consumption. Consuming any more than 2 drinks at any one time is considered unhealthy and can have long term negative health ramifications. Should non drinkers have to subsidize the health care of drinkers?
There is that pesky slippery slope again…

That won’t happen, it’s just too costly to track. It could become much more like life insurance, where your general health affects your premiums, and that would be grand.

cheeks is a mcbillionair :kekegay:

Like I said b4 there are programs where you are rewarded for proving you try to live a healthy life style. I think if you can prove you live pretty healthy then you should get discounts.

Discounts are a crock, and a major PITA. They should just take that into account with premiums. The thing is, once this movement gets traction, it will snowball. All the healthy people will start signing up for them, and it will start to affect rates across the board.

wow it must really suck to be poor and have to worry about health insurance. lol.

Here is a real world example that you might not be aware of. When my company was just Expedient not owned by a parent company. I had great healthcare with Blue Cross Blue Shield. It was 21 dollars every paycheck. The doctors were great, the copay was excellent and the prescriptions were even better. We had low rates do to the average employee age was between 20-30. Then we were purchased by Landmark. With Landmark our average employee age skewed to 40-50. This increased the rates of everyone to approximately 35 per person. Health Care provider changed to Cigna which absolutely sucks!

So i had an increase of 28 dollars a month for shittier service, does not make much sense to me. My allergy medicine that I once paid 10 dollars a month for now got turned to 50 dollars a month. So my net increase because of older/sicker employees was 38 dollars a month. Now this definitely does not break my bank but it does add an annoyance factor to my life that I could do without.

It has nothing to do with being “poor” it has everything to do with being fair.

then it makes much more sense.

i was just being a penis. but thanks. :tounge:

When I was losing weight with Weight Watchers, I was able to get $150 reimbursed b/c I lost the weight :slight_smile: Very cool incentive.

what else is new :finger: