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Colonel Russ Williams has been charged with two counts of first-degree murder Photo by: Amber Gooding/forces.gc.ca
<b>Military man charged with two counts of first-degree murder for two separate deaths</b>
The Canadian Press and Charlene Close Feb 08, 2010 13:25:18 PM
The OPP have confirmed Russell Williams, 46, the wing commander of CFB Trenton, has been charged with the first-degree murders of both Jessica Lloyd of Belleville and Marie Comeau of Brighton.
Police told an afternoon news conference that Williams, 46, of Tweed, Ont., was arrested Sunday in Ottawa.
Comeau was a 38-year-old corporal from Brighton with CFB Trenton’s 437 squadron.
Lloydy’s body was found earlier Monday. Comeau was found dead in her home Nov. 25, 2009.
Williams is also charged with two home invasions dating back to September of 2009.
He will appear in bail court in Belleville this afternoon.
A Senior Military Commander, in other words…a COP!
How is it that people of the law are progressively getting worse. Quickly.
Law abiding citizens are constantly being punished for retarded crimes or laws that they have never committed or broken. Yet, all these law enforcing persons are breaking laws and committing crimes and getting away scott free 90% of the time.
I truly believe that for someone that enforces the law; once they break it. Should be punished 2 times over.
Bastard…hope he atleast gets a tuff sentence like any other person should for a lawless and disgusting crime, I swear mental screening needs to be more prevalent for officers and other “law enforcement”
I agree, Im on the route to becoming an rcmp officer and i do believe that if your enforcing the law and you decide to break it your pretty much a hypacrite. So double the punishment sounds about right. Although if an officer must break the law for the better of the people then its ok but that only in rare occasions
He’s not really a col; he deAls with military personnel and military issues. He’s not going to be harassing civillians.
It’s not a sudden boom, just more advanced (and portable) technology making it easier to bring things like abuse of power to light. We’ve seen Toronto police, OPP, parking enforcement, and now military brought forth in the public eye. There’s a desire to bold government workers more accountable. Before it was just your word, now technology has enabled us more to discretely document things, to do more proficient inquires and investigations as far as things like this military issue go.
It’s like the BTK killer you have people hiding under the guise of being an upstanding citizen of good character-perceived as flawless-if you go to church, do volunteer work, police, etc. It’s superficiality. Beneath the mask lays a cracked face with the imperfections of humanity and man. People would rather see the mask than the cracked face, and live in denial.
Somewhere this mans cracks had shone through, but they were hidden under the mask of being a ranking military official. Anyway there was an adage that went somethinglike this: “give a man power and see his true character.” with the power that we give police and military officials, few would be truly suitable enough to responsibly exercise it properly. But we have to fill jobs right? We have to be equal opprtunity employers, even if it means hiring on some less suitable people to fill some quota’s. It’s not a system of hiring the best suited for the position at all, so people will slip through more.
Law enforcement and Armed forces are too completely different things you can’t call this guy a cop, unless he was Military Police. Hes just an evil piece of shit, no need to label him anything else no matter what walk of life he is from Military or otherwise.
He will be tried in a military court, no? He’s toast no matter what. He will be dishonourably discharged from his only career, be unqualified for any other government career, and should have grave difficulty finding any decent emmployment. Even if the sentence is small, he is ruined.
I’m not defending the Police… because they are not even in question here lol and I am definitely not defending this guy, read the exact message you quoted from me hah I labelled him a “evil piece of shit”. Somehow you managed to turn a topic of a murdering man into “Fuck the police” and that is just wow…
Never did I relate FTP to your post.
I stated my hatred for Police in relation to this subject.
Get your facts straight.
Secondly. I am not here to argue with you about anything.
I did not accuse you of anything. I said IF you are defending. If your not, then leave it alone.
I also feel your pain. I got fucked over on the night of December 1st and got charged with a no insurance ticket that I am not guilty of by law. It was a newly purchased vehicle, I didn’t have an insurance card, so he nailed me. The officer refused to look at any of my paper work and issued me tickets like failure to surrender my registration. I wasn’t speeding the slightest, but in Peel, going the speed limit at 12 is enough foe a cop to do a uturn and pull you over.
They harassed me for 1 hour about weapons and drugs. He was a supervisor too with his buddy, one on each window. They laughed at me trying to tell them I had my shit. They didn’t care. I lost my job to defend myself, I lost my money I had put aside, I was job less for two months because of their abuse of power.
I was chased 3 times for no reason, was called over 50 time blocked, had officers camping out, coming o my door at 3 am. I was followed by two aimpala’s on while walking ffs. It’s bullshit. If I was racing and got nailed it’d be different. I was going 60 in a 60 and got fucked! I hate Peel more than you, trust me!!!
This has NOTHING to do with Police, Military is completely different. I am not defending him, what he did was wrong; and rightfully so, he deserves to be punished to the maximum extent applicable under the Law.
Will he? Of course not, he will be put on paid leave for a year, go to court and walk away as a free man and get his job back. Our law system isn’t perfect by any sence, but it works for the majority of people.
They cost me damn near everything but my fucking car. If I am convicted next week, then they cost me my car too! They don’t give a fuck about you, me, or anyone if they’re out to climb that ladder, they will step on whoever it takes. I never started out caring less and not giving a fuck, but I can’t help it. If I am found innocent, my lost income and damages will not be returned. I am the loser no matter what, and they know this, and jam up people with whatever shit they can pull out.
I’m getting angry thinking about this shit. They cost me sround 5000 for that shit and I am not settled in, in a nice paying career eitheir, so it really fucking hurts.
I have my bill of sale, affadavit from the buyer, declaration receipt, insurance letter and card, so I should be ok there. But you never know how it will go, and how things like the failure to surrender registration will go when it’s my word against a supervisor and his partner. I am going to be charged with something, I just dunno how bad yet.
I understand your really heated about the police and it’s probably justified however I said you related FTP to this topic even though the police are not in question here… not my post.
I’m only pointing out that military and the police are 2 completely different things and they should not be put together. If you see them as the same that is your perception and there is not much more to say.
I do agree with you that this man should die a horrible death tho.
Yes, I know. This has nothing to do with Police. Just me being a moron. Letting my hatred get the best of me.
Him not being punished…is true.
Minor punishments. Life goes on for him.
Yet, if this way me or you (homicidal maniac) we would spend life behind bars.
Now, where is the equality in that?
I remember when we went to court for an arson that nearly destroyed our shop. The ass got 15 months probation.
Year later insurance billed him $150,000. He claimed bankruptcy and got away scott free.
Yes, his life will be hard. Yet, he did not in any way get what he deserved.
I will never forget what the judge said.
Exact words: “Here in Canada. The Justice system is NOT eye for an eye”
Just don’t give up. And learn to cover your ass more now.
I did. Record everything. Make something about your vehicle stand out hardcore. Or just stay below the radar completely.
As stupid as it seems. I painted my rims green on my truck. To stand out. I drove like a fucking ASSHOLE for a month. Ran red lights in front of cops. Never got pulled over.
The fact that I stand out. Makes it harder for people to make shit up.
I dont know what to say at this exact moment because I am still frustrated at my own issues with the law. Now yours are surfacing in my mind. And fuck…