NYS Trooper Down

CATSKILL, N.Y. (AP) - State police say a 30-year-old trooper from the Catskill barracks died in a collision while he was on patrol in the Hudson Valley.

Police say Trooper David Lane, a four-year veteran, was driving north in his patrol vehicle on state Route 32 in Catskill at 2:25 p.m. Wednesday when he attempted to pass another northbound vehicle. The vehicles made contact and Lane’s vehicle went off the road and hit a utility pole.

Route 32 was shut down in both directions to allow for emergency response and investigation.

The Watertown Daily Times reports that Lane was the son of Cheryl and Stephen Lane of Dexter in northern New York, and that he served in Iraq and Afghanistan with the Army’s C Company, 307th Engineer Battalion, 82nd Airborne Division.


RIP David Lane.


Was a horrific accident.

Anyone hear anything else about this?

Btw, if ANY negative comments appear in this thread, I WILL get you banned permanently.

accident sounds weird, did the other driver somehow cut into him? doesn’t sound like any on-coming traffic was involved.


I haven’t head anything other than what was on the news. Absolutely terrible

yea, sounds very odd

an engineer from the 82nd, this guy was no dope. RIP


did you know this guy Bakerian? What a shame… I don’t understand how the hell it happened.

we dont know all the details im sure. could have been glare, other drivers blind spot… who knows but either way its a horrible accident! RIP


wow that’s horrible RIP

ok when i opened this i thought to find a funny topic of a cop falling or something. this is not funny at all. best wishes to the family.


From what I’ve read, he was passing a car and grazed it, causing him to spin out.


Very sad thing to see happen, esp with a few of them in the imediate family. I heard about it from my sister who is a trooper also, before it was public news. I cringe when I hear stories like this bc you never know, it could have been anybody.

RIP. My thoughts are with him and his family.

what a shame. trooper and a solider. America lost a good one for sure.

got my approval for that.

damn. Just saw the pictures last night on the news. He had to be flying. They did say that atleast he died on impact with very little suffering. Def. sad to hear. RIP

ok first off pipe down tough guy.

RIP for sure. but what happened? did he misjudge the distance and hit the car while trying to pass it?

Horrible! RIP

I’m sure more of the story will come out, I’d like to hear more on what happened.

i saw it on the news this morning. It was pretty amazing the car was in that condition, he must have really been FLYING!