belt squeal

i drive a 240 with a sohc ka

i have this nasty belt squeal that i cant get rid of i changed my belts cause i though that they were worn out it went away for awhile,
but now its back i used some belt dressing and that seemed to help a bit but now its seems to have no effect

the altenator is new
i ran my car with no power steering but it didnt go away when i did that either

so that leaves me to belive that i might be my waterpump

but that catch is that once i rev it up and keep the revs up or im driving over 1000 rpm it goes away and then after awhile of driving it stops squealing

Take a bar of soap out to the car, start it and then rub the soap against the inside of the belt. Be carefull though as you wouldn’t want to see your hand go threw a pulley. You could also just try increasing the tension on the belt.

My alternator belt on the S13 squealed like a bitch until I tightened it properly.

ill double check the alt belt but im pretty sure its got the right amount of tension on it

isnt the bar of soap thing the same as putting belt dressing on

i might take my belts off and give the bearing for the pulleys a good squirt of liquid wrench and then reapply some belt dressing to them

Ya pretty much… but its cheaper.

a candle works too…

no point in worrin about it anymore because i just k.o.'d the motor today hopefully the newer one doesnt have the same problem

what happened to it, maybe the sound was a timing belt ?

what happened?

i dont know how to drive and blew a shift and bent 3 valves the motors only running on the front 2 cylinders but hopefully threre will be a newer one in tomorrow

belt dressing makes the belt sticky, soap and candles just makes it quiet, but doesnt cure the belt slippage. I used a candle on a 94 talon i used to have… regularly :lol: