Benefit for my daughter April 14th.

i was sitting at the table with beck in the back corner if you saw where he was sitting, nitroinsane was with us also

Glad it all worked out



who won teh dirt boike?


One of the attorneys at work won it.



Thank you all!



thats amazing

:tup: Ralph

:tup: x 573467398

Nice, that will help.
Keep us up to date on her progress :tup:

Who won the Camera?


Who won the Camera?


Not sure. Sorry…


Holy fuck that is outstanding.

WOW, there was a fuckload of people probably broke fire code twice over. had to be 300 people there at one point

occupancy is 82 LOL.
The building inspector was there as well. i was told he looked the other way.:smiley: Didn’t see him or I would’ve said something


occupancy is 82 LOL.
The building inspector was there as well. i was told he looked the other way.:smiley: Didn’t see him or I would’ve said something


Yes. He was in attendance. My father in law asked him if he would put his blinders on… lol

hey glad to hear how it all went, did anyone end up with the pic i donated that u know of?


that is AWESOME!!!


hey glad to hear how it all went, did anyone end up with the pic i donated that u know of?


Yes, the PIC was a hit! The guy that won it sold it to another guy because his girl really wanted it. I am not sure how much it went for. Choko seemed to win everything so maybe he is the one that sold it. lol

well when u buy 505404059054954949549 tickets, ur pretty much guaranteed to win.

lol, great time tho, glad to meet choko as he won my fathers cert.

use it well :slight_smile:

choko won it then sold it for $20, to some guy, and the guy went and told his wife “look hunny you won the picture” she says “YEA I KNEW I WOULD WIN THAT!!!” ROFL!!!