Get pulled over today?

One of my friends called me thinking it was someone else, The way it was described sounded exactly like your car, pearl paint, fender stripes…

spill it!!!

:rofl :haha

Dude I’ve gotten 2 tickets in two days, fuck your friend.

I know you’ll ask so:

Loud exhaust ticket in Mechanicville- Pretty sure he mistook me for the loud ass eclipse in front of me and pulled ME over :idiots

Speed Unsafe for Road Conditions- Foot slipped off the clutch in one of the roundabouts near my house and I had to take action to keep the car stable/recover from the ‘spin’ :shifty



not nearly as bad as my 2 tickets i got :ssh

Yeah, both cops asked what was too…:bigmothrfuckingshifty

:eek :ohnoes :ssh

I LOL’d @ Ticket #2

Benny, I wouldnt worry about #1, theres no points. Crap like that is a waste of peoples time. I got a tint ticket in Albany last week. The cop was moving around slow, which basically tells me hes just out there looking to give out a ticket to anyone for any little thing. He basically wasted his and my time, which is worth more than the ticket itself. which brings me to another question about tickets. can they give you a tint ticket(they write down the %age on the form) if they CANT measure how dark it is? say like, your window is broken and doesnt go down.

They’ll always find something if they want to give you a ticket, personally I think something’s going on, I’ve seen an INSANE amount of cops, my V1 goes off at least 3-4 times for a cop during my daily commute, whereas all this summer I barely got a peep out of it. I think they’re making their own xmas bonuses :shifty

Happens every economic slowdown. Everyone needs $.


i thought that as well. the state budget is kinda in the pooper now, so i was thinking they upped the amount of tickets they give out to get more revenue. even if its for the dumbest shit out there, you get ticketed. my V1 is always going off. I also see a cop car or suv hiding behind the big bushes on 787 under the interchange on the north side. i also see a cop car sitting right by twin bridges on either side in the mornings. i was driving home last night from sch’dy and the V1 went off two times and i saw both cop cars. i also saw 2 others without the radar on. its a 12 mile drive from where i was coming. also, watch out for the stretch of rt 9between exit 9 and 10. i pass a sheriff or a trooper there 95% of the time i take that road.

Dude, your posts are always WICKED long. It hurts my brain to try and read something like that on a forum.

im no good with one liners

Or capitalization.

Also, paragraphs and run ons :lol