Benny, tell me you didnt tell the cop that you foot slipped… lol… man, be more creative… We should start a thread on creative stories we told cops.

What else would have worked? I was screwed either way, might as well play the slippery pedal card.

He put it right on the supporting deposition, ‘foot slipped off of clutch’

I’ve also noticed the cop increase.

:rofl that’s almost as bad as the supporting deposition I got when I passed 4 cars over the double yellow… “Thought they were dotted lines” :rofl owned

I was working at the church in round lake last thursday and you came whipping through the S turns in round lake village and broke it sideways around the sharp one infront of the church…just be careful through there…there is ALWAYS cops around there and patrolling it…not even 5 minutes later one rolled through there.

not sure why he gave you a exhaust ticket…your car is quiet as shit.

Wasn’t me, you must be mistaken.


I saw your face and the flamboyant rainbow on your fenders you fool!

Ticket #1 is why I’m hesitant to go to 4inch on the Supra.

ehh get the silencer for it. tons of supra guys have 4 inch on the street. just keep the RPMs low and its not too loud.


Silencer looks wickey ghey.

you dont have to drive like a moron every second of the day, some people have self restraint, if you cant control yourself, you should stick to slow cars.

and ryan. the silencer might not look pretty, but if it helps with street driving, why not. take it out when you get to your destination… or dont worry about it, you dont drive it everyday so its not bad.

enough with the mature talk. Its simply a joke. about supra not going up to high rpms.Have you ever seen me drive like a dick,Burnout from the lot, or anything? (execpt the one donut in the rain infront of the pr’s :lol)

yes, i certainly have. it wasnt raining either.
i do drive hard, and get on it, but not all the time. and i can say, i am one person who doesnt burnout in or around the lot. enough negative attention is focused on that place, no need to draw more.

doubt it.

:lol I think even Palin could have figured that out.

Beanie: Where did you hide the weed during the shake down?

plus one

lol… of course he did!


I don’t let my ‘foot slip off the clutch’ ridin dirty, in fact I do my damndest never to carry in the car. Delivery ftw.

How do you think they’ll use it against me :sad

What was I supposed to say? 21 yr old kid in a flashy car, sliding around a roundabout in the rain…‘just having fun at the possible expense of others’

I feel like an idiot for doing it in the first place and in general on public roads with any possibilty of other cars around…I mean there was traffic waiting to enter the circle, it was moronic of me.

Lesson learned, keep it in the parking lots. :shifty

Flashy car? What did you get? Man, I keep missing all the good threads.