Best current cellphone out?

My contract with att is up in Oct. I currently have the iphone3g, and love/hate it. Im not sure if its the service or not, but I drop calls everywhere, can’t send texts or receive them at random times, and it wont backup on itunes anymore. I have dropped the thing about a trillion times and the screen hasn’t broke, but I think internally something might be fucked.

I pay $92 per month for my iphone that works about 50% of the time. I dont really use any apps.

Anyways, who has what, and what do you pay per month?

I just switched to Verizon, coming back from AT&T (same day 2yr contract ran up). I was dropping calls like mad. I couldn’t drive from my house to the office without dropping a few times.

I didn’t get anything exciting though… just a blackberry.

droid x ftw

i <3 my tour

HTC EVO > everything

After the iPhone, you ain’t gonna like much else. I have an iPhone 3GS and also carry a blackberry for work (it sucks). I dont have any of the issues you speak of. Sure I have dropped a few calls, but not an excessive amount. Verizon’s service is better IMO, but it’s not like AT&T doesn’t work at all. I travel around most of western pa and into Maryland for work and rarely cannot make a call.

Is the 3GS perfect? No. But it does a whole lot pretty well. And it is better than the 4.

i like my motorola droid.

iPhone 4

Droid x. Does pretty much everything the iphone does and looks just as good. Hdmi ouput ftw

I can’t wait until there isn’t a shortage of these and i can get one for less than 600 dollars

The iPhone 4 and EVO has a much higher quality display then the Droid X. Yes, I have done side by side comparisons.

They have them in store for 200 dollars.

Although I don’t agree with the order, here is an article from CNET giving their opinion on the top 5. Best Phone to Buy for 2024 - CNET

agreed, anything NOT at&t

I have At&T with the 3Gs and I love it. I am waiting on the iPhone 4 till they fix the signal issue. Although with the case you put on it, it seems as though they have fixed it. I have not dropped my iPhone one time in the year and a half I have had it. Apple makes a superior product

anything that HTC makes.

iphones are pieces of shit… if apple makes a superior product would this dude make a thread that he drops fucking calls? or would the new design be flawed out of the box? dickbags… everything has to be how great apple products are… dude asked what phone to get because he doesn’t like his 3g and you dumbasses are telling him the same fucking phone he wants to get rid of… morons.

BTW for 14 years and counting … sprint > *

I’m already with sprint, to qualify for the upgrade price of 200 dollar i thought you had to have ur current phone for like 2 years or something?

I recommend an Incredible, Droid X, or the EVO. My sister loves her Incredible and she is technologically inept. Choosing one of those will depend on your carrier you choose and price range.

I also have a Moto Droid and wouldn’t trade it for anything else on the market right now. (personal preference due to pure amount of custom options I have with a rooted phone)

With Sprint I know at 1 year you can start to get discounts. Just stop by the store and ask them. Sprint it by far the easiest company to work with on support issues and I am sure they would be more then helpful to get you into an EVO and resign a contract

Everyone’s talking about some pretty serious hardware, thats what the OP needs? I personally have verizon and have been a blackberry fanboy for a while. everything is simple, to the point and works every time… very reliable stuff. The moto X is GIGANTIC… i would never get it since im not a freakin film maker. Im considering an Incredible just to see how it works out, plus I like the screen and it operates SUPER fast.

i love my verizon, i have tried every other service provider out there and Verizon was the best …i finally jump on the Blackberry bandwagon about a year ago & love them. started with the Storm, now i have a BB Curve to use temporarily till i’m eligible for a upgrade. i’m prob gonna get get the Droid after messing around with a buddy’s i like it alot better then my Storm

Interesting article: