Best defense against Reckless Driving

Okay, I got nailed almost 2 weeks ago for reckless, and the BS part is, I wasnt.

Iknow Iknow, you all are goona say, :bsflag:

But in all honesty, I was traveling approx. 50-55 in a 40, maintaing my lane rounding a curve on a 4 lane semi Highway, when officer traveling opposite direction, pulled a U’y.

1st he accused me of “Street Racing in the rain” (his words) but the funy part is/was it was 4:40am after 19 hours at the shop and the nearest car was in front of me about 1-1/2 miles down the road…

The nearest light was about a mile behind me, and officer wrote it under reckless driving, an offense if found guilty deems immeadiate suspension.

So I need an argument better that the one I have prepared. PLEASE HELP!!

EDIT: The last time i got yanked was 9 years ago for 85 in a 55 and he wrote it as “Speeding” ya, i was guilty of that…

say what you just said. Admit to speeding but describe the situation (no other cars, rain, no light,) that situation is as stupid as getting pulled over for window tint. They have nothing else better to do than to get us on technicalities.

Just tell it how it is and hope the cop doesn’t show up.

Thanks for reminding me I have to take car of a speeding ticket myself.

WELL, that was my intention, but I kow this local masterbait, ah im sory ew, i meant Magisrtate and hes a real tool bag, he aint goona belive a word i say.

I been running this thru my head since that night and here is a list of things I was GUILTY of that he didnt write me for:

No Seat belt
Burned out headlamp
excesivly loud exhaust
speeding by 10-15 over
1 bald tire with cords showing
below state limit for bumper height requirements, 18" ithink???
Broken windshield
expired insurance card
wrong address on ID

but hey I guess “street racing in the rain” at 50mph, in my 73 hp Nissan and against a ghoast car was the most important thing, officer even pulled the driver that was a mile and a half ahead of me over and hit him for reckless also, they set up a little road block… of sorts…

Wow thats kinda serious, but the officer didn’t write down what else you had wrong so no need to worry about that. Just fight it anyway. I forget where it was but even if you are wrong you should still fight it because there’s still a small chance you can win.

If he wrote you up for everything but what you stated, I would go and fight it.

I’d say fight it.
personally, it doesnt sound like you were doing anything wrong, but i think you should leave facts like 15 over the speed limit, on a bend, in the rain, running on no sleep, out of your arguement. it might start to sound a little ugh… reckless.

gotcha smort, Thanks for the input, anybody else got some?

Just show up and tell your story. You have nothing to lose. At least, you have a chance of getting it reduced to “failure to obey traffic signs.” That’s $85, or something like that, and no points.

Stop working at the shop so late and obey the speedlimit. :bigok:

sounds like Liar, liar

"Stop breaking the law ASSHOLE’ hahahaha

As mentioned, you have nothing to lose in fighting it. All those items the officer did not write you up for are meaningless unless the officer has some proof of those items at the hearing (which he won’t). Sounds to me that if the officer was travelling the opposite direction and then threw a uey to pull you over he did not have a speed reading on you and thus could not cite you for speeding (but could cite you for reckless as the standards are different).

So in short, go in, wait for the officer to present his evidence and then present your side of the incident. Do not admit to doing anything wrong (including speeding) unless the officer first presents some sort of proof, such as a radar or vascar reading. If the officer just states something along the lines of “I saw him racing this other car in the rain, blah blah”, just counter with the other points you mentioned, no cars near you, travelling at or near the speed limit, just on your way home from work, etc. If it all goes bad at the magistrate’s you can always appeal and get a new hearing from the start in front of a judge.

Yup stop breaking the law and the cops can’t mess with you. I know you’ve got a great car that just screams race me, but you know you shouldn’t be racing cars that aren’t there.

Take it to the track. :beer:

shoulda sucked him off

show up to the magistrate drunk off your ass, they love this.

I called in a favor to a attourney here…he said he will try to give you a call tonight

Ya I know they seeen the WHEEELS and heard the exhaust, and said damn!!

and on a side note: I win EVERY race whe running that ghoast car, hahaha

I asked for advise as what i should do, Not for a story of what you have done :bj:

Thank you Finally a decent piece of usuable advice, I think im going to try this.

i have 13 days to et drunk, im going to start practicing right now…

I was the ghost car…1.5 miles up the road, and also got a reckless fun stuff

get a lawyer

take ur little boy