I'm boned... Need Legal advice

I was on my way home from my football game (We won 20-12) it was about 12:45, and my buddy was tailgating me, So I gassed it a bit. 43 in a 25 zone, and a ticket for street racing. I tried to explain we weren’t racing (we weren’t) but I got written up for it anyway. My buddy drove by and she flagged him down and he got a ticket for street racing but not for speeding (she only clocked me). I’m going to fight the street racing ticket, because I wasn’t street racing. Any ideas on how I can get out of this with as little pain as possible.

get a decent attorney. get your stories together. Lie as much as possible.

Don’t lie just tell it how it is, just make sure your stories match up.

oh snap, mega cunt get you??? they kept tryin to get me for exseissve exhasut

do as darkstart said, say we were not street racing, get attorney and have stories together! please dont tell me it was that retard jarred on ur ass?

43 mph???

that had to be the slowest street race in the history of street racing.

u must have never seen darkstar race his maxie!!!:smiley:

yeah it was her… it wasnt jarred but i heard he got his license suspended for 4 months for reckless driving. dumbass

btw… the cop said he was going to mail me a street racing ticket, i never signed the normal thing saying i got the ticket, idk if this means anything

shes a bitch, idk if that has anything to do with it or not…that kid is the biggest tard ever

shit son… ask whitey, jeff, and tubby McYota about the Maxima powerz. Mad burnouts in front da eatin park yo. den I wuz hangin str8 wit da VW from the roll son.

Also, i dont know if this matters either, but it happened right on the jurisdiction line between cheswick and springdale, the cheswick cop ticketed me for speeding and she called in a springdale cop and said i was street racing in springdale, and he came over to me and said he was going to mail me a ticket for street racing… but he didn’t witness it so idk if they can do that or if they were just doing it to scare me or some shit

guess u didnt hear, springdale, cheswick, springdale Twp. and harmar can all pull over anybody in anyone of those areas, they like combined force kinda. oh and cops words are condsidered the truth, soo her saying she saw u street racing there means her word will be upheld in the cort

fuck cops.

So u gassed it when ur “buddy” got up on ur ass? U could considert hat stret racing n should be cited…next time hit the brakes

ya listen to this great advice :stick:

Do i even know u?:stick:

no, but do u need to know me soo i can post?

No,but it would be nice to know who the faggot behind the keybaord is talking shit on u.:finger2:

fag, no

talking shit, no

but hey take it how u wanna take it

ok then,fag

u must wish i was gay or something, or ur not secure with ur sexuality