I'm boned... Need Legal advice

Where could you possibly street race in cheswick or springdale? There is one road through both. Unless you were on 28?

good ol freeport rd hahaha

cops here are dicks, no way could he have been street racing

^^U can get a ‘street racing’ ticket for basically anything these days since fucking FnF came out…

Is that Sosovicka’s jurisdiction?

I went in for a speeding ticket (27 over), told the truth, looked upset and clean cut, said i wouldn’t do it again, and it was knocked down to 10 over.

ya i konw that, but no way on the street could you, its cops being dicks

yes u are correct, hes a very cool guy, he let me off for other things, fighting in school, eggin a kids house and the kids father

yup,sleepers a fag

wait… where you on a 2 lane or 4 lane road? If you were on a 2 lane road you are fine, street racing is technically starting from a given point racing to a given point, side by side… lol if he was following you, thats the dumbest thing I have heard. You need an attorney though, you don’t stand a chance with representing yourself, it will cost more but at least it looks a lot more professional in court. Judges like that. that blows, good luck.

2 lane road

So you pled not guilty? how many points is street racing? i’m probably gonna lose my license, right? god dammit

get a lawyer.
It will cost a shit load, but they work wonders, then you won’t have to worry about anything.
I didnt get a lawyer
I was speeding, 101 on the turnpike between route 8 and cheswick, I was slowing down, too. got taged by a state trooper, didnt have insurance or registration on me another $350 fine went to court and they were so busy that day that they called me aout and said how about ten over and drop the other stuff we have to get some of these cases out of the way, I said sounds good, then they were like um ok 15 over then, If i had a lawer it would have been ten over but 10-15 compared to 36 over = better fight it and for something as serious as the “street racing” get an attorney b/c they just had that kid die racing on old free port and they may want to make an example of you,
If you found guilty you have to go downtown to a dept hearing where they tak your licence, I have the paper work I’m in cheswick if you want it

holy back from the dead batman


“Officer, I wasn’t street racing…I was only accelerating faster than most to reach the speed limit.”