Allright so im looking at purchasing a new Rad for sure something that cools a bit better. I think im still running a bit hot. Currently i have SR20DE rad with dual electric fans. The fans actually work really well but i think the rad needs to be upgraded.
What is everyone else running? Im looking for something that isnt a fortune but performs well.
Yaa i have actually heard alot about them. They go for around 300-350 US. Maybe i just need to suck it up but it seems like alot for a rad. By the time it is at my door it would be over 500 CAN i bet.
yeah, the KOYO rads are asume. a buddy of mine just put his in, and he no longer over heats at all. and then are BIG, and alluminum, very good quality, well worth the money.
I think it was a member on here said that either Speedtech or Autodreams stocks these rads and it was for about $350 - 450 CDN. Someone correct me if I’m wrong!! Worth a shot to give all the places a call anyway to find out for sure!!
I worked with a welder from malaysia. He was awesome. Did super nice work. I really don’t care where a product comes from if it was done well and on a rad if it doesn’t leak well thats all that matters. A good weld is a good weld wether it is from Pakistan or from Canada.
Stopped on the highway in 30+ heat and the temperture did not even rise 1bit. And this is with a 10 inch cheapo fan behind it (think i payed 45 new from MOPAC).
Fluidyne is about another 100-150 more than the koyo.
Think im going to look into having one custom made. I was talking to a buddy who previously sold his 240 about it and he got a good deal on a thick custom made one. Lowered his temp huge driving and idleing and was cheaper.