Best IPhone compeditor?

They will apparently be integrating PUSH email soon…

The problem with the iphone is all of the haters that really don’t understand the reason the iphone kick ass…

Everyone focuses on Features, Network, blah blah blah.

The reason the iphone is awesome and the reason why they are going to revolutionize the mobile industry in the US is because of one reason only. The INTERFACE.

The phone is just amazing to use, everything is incredibly intuitive, no manual is needed to figure anything out. My grandma can figure this thing out.

Visual Voicemail > *
Conversational SMS > *
Enhanced Google Maps and Local Search Integration > *
Fully Featured Safari > *

Until you actually USE an iphone on a daily basis, there is no way to describe all of the little amazing stuff built into the UI that enhances the user experience.

My Q could do most everything that the iphone can do, but it was so clunky and unreliable to use that I hated it, and never used any of the features.

I am 6’3" 230 and have huge hands, and I have no problem typing entire emails on the keyboard. You need to commit to using two thumbs and trusting autocomplete, but it works and works well.

90% of the time I am using the more “network intensive” features, I am at home or work, with a wifi signal available, so the EDGE network is not a huge concern for me. It works well enough that I have not had any issues or complaints with it yet.

I did not like making the switch to AT&T, but so far it has been OK, and works better in my office than my VZW phone did.