Best IPhone compeditor?


which thus far you’ve only said “it just sucks”


really, I gave no real reasons why it sucks?


It was by far the shittiest “PHONE” I ever had, it was so quiet even with the volume turned all the way up I could not talk on it while driving what so ever, the battery lasts less than 8 hours with minimal usage. We used them at work and EVERYONE ditched them because they sucked balls.

It’s a decent PDA, that is about it, as a phone forget about it.

edit: to prove my point I would almost consider letting him borrow mine and activating it to see how shitty it is, almost guarantee he would want to ditch it and spend the $200 on the Q in comparison. Another point of difference between the Q and 6700… uhhh the 6700 is a fucking brick, it is huge and heavy.


as to your comment about “fixed with a reflash” please, it is commonly known that updating the firmware actually caused a further decrease in volume, read pdaphone home or howard forums… is a firmware update going to make the phone smaller? is it going to improve the battery?

so yea… :gtfo:

All I am trying to do is help this guy avoid wanting to kill himself for wasting $400 on a crap phone, not be a dick, I could care less if you agree with me or not, just want the original poster to know that the phone is not a good phone at all despite all of its “cool features”

so uhhh… lol any other suggestions?

want to go get one in about an hour or so

thanks for the input guys… appreciated

i still stick by my suggestions, it really matters for what you want out of it. Is your main focus to get on the web and watch videos and play music?

If so, iPhone is the obvious choice, however at&t is not really the best for this area. Second to the iPhone for web/music/movies, is a windows mobile phone, it is the most compatible compared to blackberry and palm os.

Start with narrowing down what operating system you want, then go with reviews of the specific phones.

who told you at&t’s network sucks? compared to cricket? I’m not gonna start the same old argument and mention all the places i get service that verizon people dont but ill just say that they are =

yeah… the primary focus would be to do what the iPhone does (web/email/im/pictures/ect)… without going with at&t

OS really doesn’t matter so much, long as it works. 3rd party apps would be nice

edit: Joe… when at&t was cingular, I has some MAJOR issues with them. After hearing about the automatic roaming (aka, no matter what… if your roaming… you can get charged for it without even making a call) I decided against it.

I’d be bent out of shape if I got a 300+ bill in the mail


yeah… the primary focus would be to do what the iPhone does (web/email/im/pictures/ect)… without going with at&t

OS really doesn’t matter so much, long as it works. 3rd party apps would be nice


well, imo you can’t beat the iphone for what you want it for, the web browser is soo much nicer than any other mobile OS’s browser (IMO). However if you are deadset against it, stick to windows mobile for your purposes. That leaves you with the Treo, and the Q mostly… if you don’t want to use it to talk, the 6700 at least has a bigger screen :stuck_out_tongue:


who told you at&t’s network sucks? compared to cricket? I’m not gonna start the same old argument and mention all the places i get service that verizon people dont but ill just say that they are =


im not talking about coverage, all though I think that in this immediate area VZW’s coverage is better than at&t, however, I switched from cingular quite a while ago. When I had it, it was very poor.

I am more-so talking about the data network on the iPhone (EDGE, not AT&T’s 3G, since the iPhone does not use it), it is much slower than EVDO…

also, at&t is no doubt better than cricket :stuck_out_tongue:

yeah, cricket blows

I missed 3 parties because I received the text 2 WEEKS after she had sent it to me lol (I don’t get constant coverage at my house)

thanks for the heads up… I was really impressed with the iphone when I was messing around with a friends, but hearing that crap on O&A this morning really turned me off to it.

maybe I’ll reconsider… it seems like the best bang for the buck

biggest roaming problem i had with cingular was driving down the 190, it would pick up rogers towers from canada all of the time and i’d get hit with roaming driving to and from work.

they almost always got rid of it though, however I had to call every month :tdown:

i had the 6700, now i have a q

q is WAYYY more reliable, less functional… but way better as a phone…

Yeah, my AT&T phone has manual network select so if I’m close to canada or just over the border i force it on the home network only, problem solved
although rogers does have 3G :frowning: they’ve been field testing it here though, i pick it up for a few min at a time, supposed to go live next month but who knows

hmmmm… decisions decisions

the local at&t joint has them in stock too (just called)

it’s bullshit that you can’t expand the iphones memory :tdown:

zwarbyt, can you run 3rd party apps on the Q?

check your work email on at&t’s website to see if you can qualify for Premier. If you can it makes it totally worth it. You get unlimited upgrades that just restart your existing contract, even if its a day old. When I’m short on cash I just pick up a phone for $50 or so at the upgrade price and throw it on eBay for $400


hmmmm… decisions decisions

the local at&t joint has them in stock too (just called)

it’s bullshit that you can’t expand the iphones memory :tdown:

zwarbyt, can you run 3rd party apps on the Q?


yeah, when you step from a 6700 to a q you lose:

touch screen
ability to edit word and excel docs

you gain: a functioning phone that doesnt lock up or need to be reset twice a day

hmmm, never thought of that.

actually, our work does go through cingular/att

why dont you want the i phone?

it’s not the iPhone that I don’t want… it’s the AT&T service that I don’t care for (actually, it was cingular that I didn’t like)

Well its not Cingular, so whats the big deal?

Is the helio ocean any good?


Well its not Cingular, so whats the big deal?


even though the name isn’t, I’m sure alot of it’s baggage got left behind


yeah, when you step from a 6700 to a q you lose:

touch screen
ability to edit word and excel docs

you gain: a functioning phone that doesnt lock up or need to be reset twice a day


I have the 6700. I love the phone for the PDA characteristics of it. I will have owned it for almost 2 years now. I’m on my 2nd battery and if you use it for texting or go out of signal range, kiss your battery life goodbye.

I love having the touchscreen. Surfing the net on a larger screen :tup:

The sound volume SUCKS. I have to have my radio off and windows closed in my truck to be able to almost hear a conversation. That sucks.

I don’t even really need the wireless since I use the EVDO connection. Wireless just drains the life faster.

The digital camera/video sucks. If it moves, the pic is a blur. I got a pro camera for pictures, but the cameraphone would be nice when I don’t have my Rebel XT with me.

How is the ppc6800 (or whatever name they called it). Does it have better volume and battery life?

I like the Q, but without a touchscreen, I feel that I’m only going back to a phone, and not a multifunction like I want to have.

As for the GPhone, that could be the iPhone killer. Hopefully Google makes it cheap to compete with the iPhone. I’d sign up for it.

As for the iPhone and AT&T. We have a Apple rep that came in the store with his. I heard the service and connection was beyond sucking. Dropped signal, slow as ass. If the iPhone was on Sprint, I would rock it since it’s got a lot of the features I still want in a “phone”. And I honestly don’t care to even have music on my phone.