Best Joke

i dunno i seen it on another tread and it was popular!!!
the joke can be whatever! just make it funny!!!

i’ll start it off

how do you make your dishwasher into a snow blower

Give her a showel!!

p.s. this seems like a good thing now but could end up bad later!

looool that shit made no sense to me or maybe im just slow.

man ur sopossed to post a joke!

:lol: so maybe i am slow hmmm lets dig deep.

3 Women walk into a bar and walk up to the bartender and order 3 drinks.

The brunette orders G and T.

The bartender asks whats G and T. she answers Gin And Tonic.

The Red Head Orders a R and C.

Bartender asks whats R and C. she answers Rum and Coke.

The Blonde Orders 7 and 7.

The Bartender Asks whats 7 and 7. She Answers 15!

loool that one got me. Sounded funnier in my head though.

ok so here we go

       An ugly woman walks into a shop with her two kids.

       The shopkeeper asks  "Are they twins"?

      The woman says  "No, he's 9 and she's 7.

     "Why?  Do you think they look alike?"
     "No",  he replies,  "I just can't believe you got laid twice"!

What is the difference between big foot and a Rustless Canadian S13?

Big Foot Has been Sighted.

nice man

this one is a little offencsive

why don’t woman wear watches?

theres a prefectly good clock on the stove!!!

Family walks into a talent agency. It’s a father, mother, son, daughter and dog. The father says to the talent agent, “We have a really amazing act. You should represent us.”

The agent says, “Sorry, I don’t represent family acts. They’re a little too cute.”

The mother says, “Sir, if you just see our act, we know you would want to represent us.”

The agent says, “OK. OK. I’ll take a look.”

There is a seven-foot-high cross on the stage and the mother, son, daugther and dog are kneeling before it, saying the Lord’s Prayer.

The father walks out in a long white robe and hood and sings the national anthem. He opens the robe to expose his two-foot long cock, and then pours seen over his huge member and sets ablaze. So it’s this amazing torch. He then sets the torch on fire.

The mother, who’s black, strips off her own white robe and gets on all fours and the father douses his cock in the mothers ass as she lifts the dog by his hind legs and sticks her tongue up his ass, causing him to shit down her throat.

As the father and mother do this beautiful dance, the young girl, she’s 12, takes her brother, who’s 8, – she’s white, he’s black, by the hand and they dance around the cross singing Kumbaya as he jerks off with his other hand and she fingers herself.

The father then lies on the floor as the mother squats on his face and he eats her out as she takes a shit, and they rotate in a circle (in time to the kids), smearing sh1t, vagina juice and dog shit all over the stage. (The father is still singing the national anthem.)

The son climbs atop his mother shoulders so his dick is in her mother. The daughter then climbs on her brother’s shoulders, giving him a shit cap as she masturbates with her juices run over his face.

In a grand finale the dog runs to one end of the stage then runs at the pile of humping, sh1tting humanity and lands in the girls arms, and licks the sh1t and vagina juice off the boy’s face.

For the longest time, the agent just sits in silence. Finally, he manages, “That’s a hell of an act. What do you call it?”

And the father says, “The Aristocrats!”

i win this round boys.


knew that was coming…


what do you call an old black man lying in a field.

Old farm equipment

If we’re doing racist ones:
What’s the difference between a jewish guy and a pizza?

Pizza don’t scream in the oven!

What’s the difference between a black guy and a pizza?

Pizza can feed a family!

what did the cam shaft say to the crank??

why is there so much friction between us??

what the difference beteen a black guy and shit?

shit will eventually turn white and stop smelling like shit…

why do black people drive with there windows rolled up?

cuz they think the smell is coming from Outside

what the easiest way to kill a thousand flies?

hit an ethopian in the face with a frying pan

seeing how we are going with some pretty bad ones here i will join
how do you kill a fox?

cut off his leg and make him run across canada!
Cyanide & Happiness @

Dont post those in this thread. They aren’t funny.

Your mom isn’t funny :stuck_out_tongue: Cyanide & Happiness is the best thing to happen to humor since ME :lol:


james bond walks into a bar…
sits down beside some hottie.
has a drink shoots the shit with her,
she says thats a nice watch you have there
he tells her it tells a telepathic watch,
she says oh really, and what does it say.
bond replies: your not wearing any panties.
the lady tells him its wrong.
james bond looks at his watch again, and says:

my mistake its a hour fast.

im going to use that line.

u need a rolex for the job. trust me :wink: