Best local place to get head built?

I’ve got a 4g63 head that I was planning on building myself, but i’m annoyed already at the point where I can’t even get a proper tool around here to remove the valve springs. I’ve tried 3 tools and none of them fit/worked.

I need titanium valve spring retainers put in, i’d like the head cleaned and decked, cams installed, and i’d like 1mm oversized valves installed as well.

Anyone got a good reputable local shop who can do this at a reasonable cost? time frame is unlimited as the motor won’t be finished for quite a while.

brk can do it.

You dont need 1mm oversize valves. In fact with what you were talking about running it will hurt your performance as it will slow port velocity. Not to mention that on the exhast side there is very little clearance between the valve head and the bore so would in turn have greater valve shrouding which will hurt performance.

also they are not titanium springs, just retainers.

Alright so stock valves it is.
where is brk? are they reasonably priced? I’ll bring the head by tomorrow along with the block and see what you think about it before I take it anywhere.

Brian’s a good guy. I’ve always been happy with his work.

wow… perfect timing for me to see this… i ripped my 6g72 motor back down… found a small issue. I want to get my heads checks as well as work the bottom end from a problem i found.

don or steve feel free to pm me some more information!