I have a set of BBS RC’s I picked up a while ago and they have some stubborn ass primer that wont come off very well. infact my sand blaster has a hard time touching it cranked up… it will just take for ever to do with it.
I used the gallon of Klean-Strip KS-3 Premium Stripper which I used in the past and it took the clear and the silver paint off in a single application, but its hardly touching the grey “primer” below that. I applied it 3-4 times on the same wheel and each shot it only takes off 10% of whats left.
I even dumped some brake fluid on one of them and let it sit and that shit didnt do anything! :rofl
So who has the bomb ass paint stripper? Any ideas?
Try putting a scratch in the primer before you apply the stripper, after the stripper is on take a piece of plastic and put it on top of the stripper, this will keep the solvents in the stripper, its always worked for me, even with powdercoat, i use the SEM XXX stripper! Gd luck