This stuff is cheap…
This stuff is cheap…
i have another layer of luana ? plywood that is going on top of the OSB…
and yes i plan counter sink holes so its flush, plan doing that tonite,
yes i plan on covering it outside
skatelite so expensive oye
height is 1’ 1" approx
is there a dif kind of plywood i should have purchased?
Birch would prolly have been best avail at local stores.
but really, ANY plywood is sturdier then OSB for your purposes.
MDF is sturdiest, but barely more weather resistant then OSB.
luan is still VERY soft wood
luan is super soft yes… i think that we shall give this wood a go and if not we can replace it…just unscrew the old and take off the iron and repeat
tonite i drilled and counter sinked all the holes in the angle iron
can i skate your ramp next time im in town?
only if u wear a mask <3
just have to screw on the angle iron
Looks good Micah. I didn’t realize you had ramp building skillz.
lol, ramp.
where’s the curved part to propel you into the air…you know…the part that MAKES it an actual ramp?
yay all finished
my driveway is OK to skate it, but, i have to find a better place to use it and also transport it… might screw on some wheels to the side of it and hopefully find somethin close to my house
that looks real nice. and the wheels are a great idea!