Recently picked up a new waverunner and looking for the best places to go around here. I’ll be keeping her on a trailer at SmithBoys so I’ll mostly be launching it there. We have a small place in Alex Bay at the 1000 islands if anyone ever skis up there and could show me the waters, I’d basically be clueless out there.
I should have my passport in the next week or two so canadian launch spots are ok too.
I remember from when I used to boat in the river and lake erie, there was a small beach maybe just east of grass island. I can’t even picture how to get there now. If anyone regularly rides around there and has some cool places they like to go to, I’m all ears. I’m honestly just excited to get the damn thing in the water but it’d be nice to get a good idea of where to go before the summer’s done.
I finished all the paperwork on the waverunner today and should be picking it up this friday, don’t have any real pictures of it yet but this is the identical model:

Your talking about Sandy Beach, its just east of grass island. If you leave the marine and head north, or right, you will round the corner of the island and see the north GI bridge, if you look left at that point, you will see grass island and the sandy beach marina and its little beach.
Honestly, a lap of the island is a ride just to get out, but not beat yourself too much. There is smooth water on the west side of the island, and all the boats and different flow make for rougher water on the east side. There is usually 4-5 money boats that will make a great jumping wake, you can get a few hits and then move on to no annoy em. Keep in mind of all the low docks that are just under the water on the river. when I had a boat I never went there, but not with the ski i find myself all over the place and tend to get a little too close to the shore sometimes.
I personally enjoy swimming when I go out, so I head to strawberry island, enter at 60 or so and then do a high speed turn. Then turn em off and we all go swimming. Its a good time and its literally warm as bath water in the afternoon, pretty crazy.
Getting to the lake from the river is good fun, and you can see the disturbed water from the high flow especially between the international RR and the Peace Bridge. Under the Peace Bridge its 15mph water, which is cool to play in but you have to respect the danger that goes with it. Once on the lake, its fun if there is big rollers. You can just jump one after another. Of you go by the windmills, the water is very warm over there. But after a little driving around, its a huge body of water for a ski and fuel starts to be an issue if you stray too far. On the river there is a gas dock within a few minutes ride all the time, on the lake its a little harder to get fuel, and you can’t drift home.
Ski’s are a total different game than boats, if you haven’t spent alot of time with your own ski, your going to like it…alot.
keuka lake is by far the nicest lake in the Finger Lakes Region. Clear warm water, lots of space to take any sort of watercraft. Theres always a good amount of people out cruising the lake/wakeboarding/ jet skiing, Lots of good looking young girls too and I mean the ones over 18 years of age
I probably could give you alot of spots seeing i jet ski all over wny, best place to drop is isleview park, free launch and you can head out to canada from there or take a trip around grand island which said above is a great cruise. If you want to party you can head out of a few area docks to go to mickey rats and sunset.
I ride alot at hamburg beach, isleview, and up at crystal beach (canada).
---------- Post added at 08:46 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:45 PM ----------
ps nice ski by the way… i just picked up a 02 yamaha gp 1200 for dirt cheap and will need a little work but im hoping it will rip prettty hard and beat some supercharged/turbo skis
My two favorite places so far are Allegheny reservoir and Canandaigua lake (just got home from Canandaigua a few hours ago). Both of these places are a great once/twice a year thing (they would prob get boring after a while due to the smaller size). The thousand islands would be awesome, but that’s a long drive.