Best Restaurant in Buffalo?

Idea spawned from recent Man vs. Food thread. Did food network get it right in your opinion?

Post what you feel is the best restaurant in Buffalo.

EDIT: MAN VS. FOOD STYLE. Great Buffalo pig out spots that don’t cost a fortune or require a dress code.

lol :io:



lol caught my edit…

lol :io:

Edit: This is like asking “What’s the best car?”


For me, Chop House. I love the bone in ribeye.

best I ever went to was Fiamma

way too broad

Why? It’s an opinion. If YOU were going to dinner tonight and could pick anywhere in Buffalo, where would you go?

If man vs. food came to Buffalo or any other Food Network show for that matter, what would you want highlighted?

Of course opinions will differ, that goes without saying, but what was your best food experience here?


Stillwater was pretty awesome. Never been to some of the more popular places like Tempo and Chop house, thought.

Scott would say Jim’s Steakout.


I could eat there every night and not get sick of it. Doesn’t have to be expensive to be good

I could eat Illio DiPaulo veal parm until I exploded!!! So freaking good-I didn’t even need a knife to cut it, just used the fork.

Oh, and we did The Friars Table a few nights ago. That was pretty damn impressive also, although their wine list could use some bolstering.

Am I paying for it?
Friars is pretty damn good from a pure food perspective. Also hate all you want but I <3 Salvatores…bruschetta/sausage bread + lobster bisque + cajun bleu ribeye or steak ala russell…om nom nom nom

I would say no, because a general “best” shouldn’t be concerned with cost.

I’ve been there 2x. Both times, the food was very good, and the service absolutely first rate.

A very good customer/friend of mine has been a waiter there for 28 years. He’s the best of the best. Name is Glen. Ask for him.

Lol, and your opinion of the best car in BUFFALO is?

oh hai, this thread is about the best restaurant in the WORLD.