Best speed for Xbox Live.

Just wondering what is the best speed to use for Xbox live. I have RR Lite through a wireless router. I am getting an xbox and was wondering if I should buy the wireless adapter for it because running a cord is impossible unless i run it through my kitchen just along the floor. Would that be alright to use for the new Modern Warfare 2 coming out? Just curious.

I have RR lite back home in West Seneca and it was decent for playing, but if I got to host the game it would always lag out and end the game halfway through, sometimes even right as the game started. Out at school I have the powerboost shit which has been working great for both internet and XBOX live.

i have wireless and don’t have any problems with lag. my friends that have RR lite lag out all the time though. i’d worry more about upgrading your internet package if i were you.

run the cord… play on xbl… after, unplug and wind the cord up. repeat as necessary.

i like my wireless adapter…
wtf is this “RR Lite” shit
ive never lagged out of a game or lost connection

oh, im not down with the lingo lol… roadrunner lite

im on RR…using a wireless adapter, and ive really had no lagging issues at all.

So RR lite is the 100kbps limit? I’m at work and can’t load TWC’s site. If so, I went to that for a few weeks and was very laggy on TDU/Halo 3/and GOW. And people kept complaing I would echo in the mic.

Swithed back to their upper level connection and have no problems.

Oh and I am hardwired to the router.

If you have the ability to log inbound/outbound bandwidth during game play from say a router you will see that it doesnt require very much at all. I remember it was about 30kbps down and way less up.

Beyond that adding capacity wont make it any faster or reduce lag.
The number of hops and proxity to the server will affect lag.

*Edit: Wireless capacity far surpasses even the fastest internet connection so that is not the weakest link.

Wireless does mess with latency though.


Even though you have a B, G, or N router, your connections are those top speeds in the most optimal conditions.

Put a couple walls up between your wireless connection and your router, check out your what speeds your card is negotiating at.

“I have G, why isn’t it at 54Mbps? It’s only at 2?”

On top of that, I have yet to see mainstream routers transmit anything even remotely close to their advertised speed (I’m talking G and N).

True only if you a wussy transmitter. I got my xmit power beefed up 3x over stock. I get full speed 100 feet outside my house. Im sure my neighbors hate me.

Ok. So I have Roadrunner lite. With a wireless router. If I connect it through the wireless xbox connection will it work alright? I know it only costs $10 bucks more a month to upgrade to basic Road Runner. I would love to run the cord but I have a dog that runs all around our one bedroom apt.

Lite is 1.5 Mbps
Standard High Speed is 10 Mbps
“Turbo” is 15 Mbps

At least out where I am.

you should be ok on lite as long as no one is trying to surf the internet while you are playing. i used to have 1.5 service and i was fine on xbox live untill the girl hit the internet then forget it was lagging really bad. she also complained saing that the internet was slow while i was on xbox. also remember that those speeds are max, time warner does not guarentee tht you will always hit those numbers. the wireless adapter is fine in my opinon i used it and had no problem once service was upgraded due to other reason stated i only hardwired it because my router is behind the xbox now

I ran a 100 foot cat5e cable from router to xbox 360, with RR High Speed.
Had no problem on halo/Left 4 dead/etc…

you can always upgrade the speed later on if you need to. tw wont refuse your money.

I have rr turbo, its works good. Sometimes laggy tho because i have two other computers running on it

same here with the RR turbo but we have 2 xboxes and 4 or 5 other pcs:)

Ill most likely be playing late at night while no one else is on the computer but I know by paying 10 more dollars a month if I am playing and someone else is on a computer I’ll be fine then.

Well my buddy came over last night with his xbox and wireless adapter and it worked great with my internet. Guess that answered my question then.