Best way to remove cigarette smell from a car?

Check out delta sonics price, they have an ozone treatment.

THE ONLY WAY TO GET RID OF IT is to do a CHLORINE BOMB even ionizers dont work that well for smoke… takes about 4 hours and is under $60 pm me…

also, if possible, have a non smoker meet you wherever its getting cleaned, once you drive it ect, you’ll get use to it, and wont notice it as much

also I wish disgusting smokers would take notice that cracking the window dosent get hardly any of the smoke out, unless your flying down the road at like 40+, and it builds up everytime you stop.

for some reason, probabaly the same reason they possess the inability to quit, they cannot fathom this.

Depends if they actually blow the smoke at the open window or not


what i dont understand is how they can say stuff like “no i dont smoke in my house… it will ruin the resale and the walls/furniture/curtains” but they inhale that stuff into their LUNGS lol.

same with cars. you see how trashed a car interior becomes but still suck tar into themselves.

its the addiction pure and simple.


I pretty much say the exact same thing? No, I want my house to not smell but I’m going to suck tar and god knows what else into my body. Those commercials on tv make me want to puke. I think a more effective way to get people to quit smoking would be to put up billboards with pictures of those fucking ugly ass people who have been smoking for all their lives where they have that grey ashy looking skin, nasty teeth, and even their hair looks crackly and gross.

yeah i should put up a pic of my dad when i was just born and a pic of him now, 30 years later. its UNBELIEVABLE! he looks terrible. my mom on the other hand smoked for a while and then quit and hasnt smoked for 25 years. she looks great still for 54.


So, how did this turn out.

I have some odors that need removing.
I need to find people that don’t ride in it to tell me how bad it really is too.