$BET: Plane Will take off. Stake your claim


i am not going to play… i have been in a plane that could not take off…


we’re talking fixed wing here homey.



we’re talking fixed wing here homey.



it was…

If they do the experiment right, then yes the plane can take off. But, my money is on them fucking up the whole thing…

this is why im glad we have pavement that our planes take off of and not a treadmill.






the plane will not be standing still, though.


yes it will …

that depends, if the frictional force of the wheels equalled that of the force that the (assuming a prop) prop then the plane would stay still…

if it is assumed that there is no friction between the wheels and every part of the airplane’s wheel bearings, the ground etc…etc… then the plane will move forward


yes it will …



So wait, the plane needs air under the wings for flight. I always assumed thrust would take it off but will wind be getting under the wings if its just “standing still” due to the treadmill?


So wait, the plane needs air under the wings for flight. I always assumed thrust would take it off but will wind be getting under the wings if its just “standing still” due to the treadmill?


if its a prop yes… a little bit. but not nearly enough to allow it to take off.


fuck. lol. wheelspeed /= groundspeed

UGH. You guys don;t get it. The plane will move beacuse of the force exerted on the AIR. There is no force on the wheels driving the plane, so therefore the wheels will move at the speed of the treadmill PLUS the speed of the airplane. Therefore there will be an exponential incrase in wheel/treadmill speed untill fricition of moing parts keeps them both from moving any faster.


Yes I get that which is why I always thought it would take off. but now im going to have to go to the gym and run as fast as I can and see if I feel any wind pass over me like I would if i were outside. I dont know why that seems to make a difference now. I really can’t wait for the 12th :slight_smile:

But how will it take off it it doesn’t have wings!?!


but now im going to have to go to the gym and run as fast as I can and see if I feel any wind pass over me like




Yes I get that which is why I always thought it would take off. but now im going to have to go to the gym and run as fast as I can and see if I feel any wind pass over me like I would if i were outside. I dont know why that seems to make a difference now. I really can’t wait for the 12th :slight_smile:


When you are running, take note as to what is propelling you forward (or stationary on a treadmill) Feet propell you forward. Put a Jet on your back and see what happens…you will go flying forward and have to run harder to keep your feet under you, then the treadmill would go faster, then you would go faster and so on untill the limits of your feet/treadmill are broken and you pick up enough speed to go fly away.




Sorry … my net nanny wont let me watch child molesters … we’ll see …

Im done with this till the show airs

$20 it will not take off. This is my reasoning http://nyspeed.com/forums/showpost.php?p=713208&postcount=236

Basically I am saying the treadmill will never be able to keep up with the planes desired wheelspeed. The experiment will be flawed because of design of the treadmill will limit it’s speed, the plane will slowly start to move forward, and then rapidly pick up speed…then take off.

The plane will fly.

In prfect conditions, no airflow over wings = no airspeed = no takeoff. This would have to be one hell of a treadmill that can move at unimaginable speeds with ZERO friction. This is the flaw in the test.

EDIT. What happens when this plane is standing still on the treadmill with full thusters…and halfway through it they shut the engine off…but the treadmill is still moving? the plane will roll backwards. Think about that for a sec. in relation to the test.


Ha ha, I love this one, yes there maybe enough lift to pick the plane off the ground, but with out the pull from the engine… there is going to be some SERIOUS stability issues with the plane and just fucking crash and burn…

but in theory the largest fan could make that plane fly…


I don’t know if it will be able to take off or not.

It’s not really a valid question. The question of canveyor belt speed has not been addressed.

At takeoff speed, I doubt the conveyor will be able to generate enough airflow to provide lift. I bet if you hold a paper airplane over a belt sander it will lift. But to scale that would be like a 5lb. airplane and a 1000mph conveyor.