Beware iPod

I was just on CNN and this made me LOL…

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is irony.


this gave a good laugh

lols niiice!

Yes lets make talking when crossing an intersection illegal as well as eating while walking

That’s fake, right?

I mean, I grew up in Brooklyn, NYC. I lost count of how many times I crossed the street with my Sony Walkman on.

Look both ways before you cross the street. :shrug:

what happened to personal accountability? What next, someone misses the #4 train to work because they were distracted by their video iPod, and they sue Apple?

See, and these are the same type of idiot politicians dictating foreign policy. And you wonder why the war on Iraq is so fucked up.

How is that irony??

How about an iPod ad on the same page about people wearing iPods crossing the street and getting killed ? I would say that fit irony pretty well…

Ahh, yes, that is pretty funny. I thought he meant the legislation, which contains absolutely no irony. Hehe.


Nope, I saw it on Channel 4 news today too.


Thats stupid. Everyone in the city drives like they are on in a Rally. Maybe they should ticket the fucking cabbies that are doing double the limit through intersections.