beware of scammer vovchandr

so some friends and i went out last night for jvg’s bachelor party which was amazing. 276 is my new favorite number.

anyway back to the scammer. this guy vovchandr was there and i asked him if he had any singles to supply to our “entertainment” and he replied with “i have 5 or 6 dollars” and me being a nice person and the one responsible for said gathering (with help from cossey) gave this young gentlemen 20 dollars in 1’s. this vovchandr charector procedes to make it rain on some bitches and blows through the singles very quickly. then i notice he was over in the corner conversing with the promoter for the “entertainment” breaking another 20 into 1’s. what a scammer. guy took me for a damn fool.

great night boys and congrats to jvg on his last hurah.

Haha, gotta watch those Russians.


I did indeed… in singles. The rest was in 20’s, and I was not about to make it rain Andrew Jacksons up in there. :ahh

:rofl the yetti taken for a loop.

Wish I was there with you guys that night :frowning: I didn’t get back from a 14hr drive until 10:30pm and just crashed thereafter…

omg that was a great talent show… lol it’s always fun shutting down the place

It got JVG’s approval, Just slightly though. :rofl Back on track, damn those tricky Russians


so now jvg gives himself approval. yeaaaa whatever you say there big guy

GREAT JOB GUYS on inviting singh


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WTF?.. jvg wedding FTW!!!