Big announcement from Cain today. *politics ITT

I’ll register to vote when a president or candidate has enough decency to visit the state I live in.

Politics: One thing I could give two fucks about.

I have my views on presidential elections; I won’t go into detail about them.

I thought they all went to all 50 states when campaigning. They probably arent missing much by not visiting VT though, just cows, hillbillies, lesbians and more cows.

…voters? :facepalm

Im sure the hillbillies and lesbians vote, dont think the cows can though.

So what the fuck was your point?

I may have a PJB quite in my sig when I get home. :rofl

just describing VT

I don’t even know the last time a candidate was here or an active president. They only go to states where their electoral votes matter.

Werd. The states with more electoral votes/representation will get more attention, though NY, CA, and several others are almost always blue.

I can understand why Obama wouldnt go to VT. The good old boys there dont take too kindly to his kind and half of them have probably never seen one in real life.


I was waiting for a guest appearance after Irene. Nope. Didn’t happen.

Obama has been to the Capital District 3 times in 2 years. I’m not defending him because he should visit all of the constituents, but there’s only ~620,000 people in VT, and there’s very little going on there other then agriculture which is slowly dying as NYC’ers buy up farms and mothball them. How many times did Bush or Clinton visit?