Ron Paul - Predictions in Due Time




Especially not on fucking Shift lol.

Ron Paul FTW


no not another politics thread i think we have confirmed that 89% of people on shift are retarded


How unfortunate. I’m by no means an expert on politics, but this will be my first election that I’m voting in so I’m a little more involved this time around. Paul has 100% of my attention.

He has my vote, however, he prob will not get the nomination for the GOP.

It would be nice though as he is the only candidate I have researched that wants to make real changes, i.e limited government, auditing the fed, and if you really look into it, he has a good foreign policy agenda as well.

He ranked a solid second place in NH and is achieving and avg of 48% of the vote by young voters.

Terrible video. Sorry, but that doesn’t show off anything. All those things already were happening in 2002. Those things have been occurring since 92 (and before)

According to Vlad 99% of people on shift are retarded, he’s the 1% in his oil thread :rofl

just like the last 20 years or whatever :lol

Which things? I only count the war in Iraq and fight on terrorism in general. Market didn’t crash until WELL after 2002, etc. Unless time has flown by so quickly that it’s actually been 10 years of this poor economy.

Ron Paul ftw. Vote for him to send a message if nothing else.

All of those have happened before, or were already happening, or were obviously going to happen.

Well, either way…he was the only one, evidently, saying so and not being ‘nice’ about it. Sayin it how it is/is going to be. Almost no one was talking about the future economic downfall prior to, well, it actually happening. For that, he deserves a little credit even if you don’t want to give him credit for much else.

I do agree that he’s probably our best chance…however, many people say that each election and by the end of the term we are usually ready to get rid of the current president and replace him. Until there is a some sort of revolution (peaceful hopefully)…I don’t know if this Government will ever recover from what it has become or made itself.

That’s just my non-political opinion from things I’ve read, seen, and heard people talk about.

[quote=99FRC;930110]He has my vote, however, he prob will not get the nomination for the GOP.

this…he is far too extreme for a majority of conservatives

I’ve been on the Ron Paul ban wagon for years I’m going to let you in on a sad truth. He never wins… So be ready for some douche bag to win & our “freedom” deteriorate even more… I mean our freedoms protected…
with bills like the NDAA and SOPA I feel like I’m fucking Chinese except there are no jobs.

I agree. This is what makes him different. Everyone else seems willing to just let the country go to shit while pretending that everything will be fine. Even if his views are unpopular, its pretty tough to argue against what he’s saying we need to do.

Ron Paul is very appealing, but hes to much of a loose cannon. They wont let him win.

With all the crap going on between Newt and Mitt it seems Ron Paul is more of a possibility than most people thought. Santorum doesn’t seem like a real threat. I agree with most of Paul’s views and give him props for speaking his true feelings on subjects even if they are not popular unlike the typical fakes and liars we are used to in government. He does have some ideas that seem a little odd to me, but as everyone knows people can’t agree on everything. The rest of the government structure for approval of bills and such should keep any “crazy” ideas in check. Our whole system of government needs a major overhaul and of all the candidates, he seems like the one to do it.

I have to disagree with you. The Newt and Mitt thing has been going on since before the primaries even started and I wouldn’t expect much to change now. I don’t know how Santorum isn’t a threat after they just concluded that he won Iowa.

I do think Paul will do better than expected today, but that just means another solid 2nd. It will be in part due to Romney not wanting to release taxes (and they way he responded to it) and due to Perry and Huntsman dropping out.