Ron Paul - Predictions in Due Time


And since Fox news is pro republican I really take what they say with a grain of salt.

I like some of what Ron Paul has to say. He’s been around the election loop for a long time and has a fairly strong understanding that people will disagree no matter what. He doesn’t change his views to suit his audience. I don’t know too much about Santorum, and Romney/Gingrich seem to have too much b/s going on right now.

I like some of his thoughts on domestic issues but his foreign policy sucks.

I was posting that because of the irony. Usually Fox is trying to cover stuff up/lie. I just find it kind of interesting of THEM in particular to do such a bit.

I’m shocked this is from FOX news.

That’s fine too, everyone has their opinion. If Santorum has ANY chance it’s because Mitt and Newt have been focusing too much on making each other look bad. You can believe when they decide to view Santorum as a threat he will be next on the chopping block.

I just hope when the smoke clears we don’t end up with another typical scumbag politician in office who is just there for a power trip or personal gain without the balls to try and really fix the issues facing this country.

Newt cleaned house at the South Carolina Primary.

People tend to forget what happened last week if it’s no longer talked about in the news.

Either way one man isn’t going to change the system no matter what he may claim, when there are too many people that like it just as it is.

Whoever takes the office will be hated by 60%-70% after 3 years. Up from 50% at the start.

I don’t particularly care who gets elected as long as he/she is not anti-gun and is isn’t a bible-thumping religious zealot. Frighteningly, most current candidates except Ron Paul are either one of those or both.

That’s some silly requirements for a president.

You focus on those two things instead of political, economic, etc. policy? Interesting.

Guns and Bibles are small beans compared to issues like national economy, whether they would go to war, etc.

Let us have our guns and im all for an invation

That’s your opinion. At this point I am more worried about another president hacking further away at basic constitutional rights, among which the right to bear arms is pretty damn important since it is the only one that allows the people to defend all their other rights. And religious zealots frighten me since they think anyone who isn’t afraid of the ol’ almighty smiter is automatically amoral.
War and economy is easy to flip flop and lie about when running, but nobody hides being religious or anti-gun, and those things tell me more than enough about the candidate.


