Hey guys another GTRC member joins the club lol way to go guys!!!

welcome my GTRC bretheren…

awsome welcome :slight_smile: more skylines guys taking over hahaha

ya damn right…muahhahaha,…the invasion is under way…now all we need is John, our general (aka The Dentist)


My plan is working perfectly and once we have our forces in places, THE WORLD…WILL BE OURS!!!



hmmmmm… a world domination, I like where this is going…:cool:

i like where this is going to, show them whose boss…


:mad: i want a skyline

hahahaa i bet all the skyline owners are here majorly because of this person.


thanks dude!!! your doing a great job on spreading the word! you will be rewarded for your work for sure! :smiley:

and obviously credit goes out to all the others spreading the word, keep it up guys. i can see this forum growing more and more each day.



haha, well thanks man but really, I only spread the word. It’s been the super work of the TNC staff that has kept everyone coming back.:wink:

Ya Bruce told me to join or he’d kill me, so I figured I would join, Just because i’d love to see my car when it arrives, and when it does, im splittin’ :smiley:

Bruce try finding a sitter for the night(Nov. 8th)!!!
"D :C

P.S - Welcome skyline_guy777, will you be there Nov 8th, at Kennedy Commons?


HAHAHA, dude I’m gona try but it’s not looking good. One kid, meh thats not to hard but two…yeah a little more difficult.:stuck_out_tongue:

add up another GTRC member to that list. just met up with arhamz a few hours ago and he convinced me to join here.

Welcome bud.

Definitely awaiting the meets in clear weather!

muahhahaha…we are a force to be wreckoned with…lol…


one of my co-workers saw barney last month. she just mentioned it when she saw my car. she said your gf was in the passenger seat and was sleepy so that her head was bobbing back and forth while you were driving. this was near yorkdale.

im sorry my friend, she must be mistaken… My name is Navin, Nathan is my brother and he drives the pulsar or the nsx…also, Barney has yet to be driven off my street…lol…so im guessin theres another purple GTR out there…if so, i would like to see it…lol…


that would be funny if there is another one. she was drinking a little bit that night so she might be mistaken. all she can remember is that its purple and rhd. lol

pinkish purple? or blueish purple? LOL… nah mine is in sleep mode as well right now… but yeah geeez this is pratically GTRC up in here hehehehe :slight_smile:

blueish purple. i also showed her a pic of both barney and pinky. she said it looks more like barney’s color. we just need to get mr. dentist here then its going to be exactly like gtrc. lol:R

interestin…it wasnt barney…hmm…wonder whos car it was…

ya we need John on here…ill see if i can get him to join…