Big news, everyone.


Wowee, it only took 7 minutes for someone to say something jerky.


Wowee, it was a little joke.

Just to justify your statement…This thread is pointless and sucks. I hope you feel better.

lol, news is obvious :tup:

I liked the “George Bush : Worst mistake in US History” or something like that one.

Leave it to fox news to bring you this important information.

Classic. :tup:

^^ fuck yeah lol

Haha. :slight_smile:


he was re-elected



he was re-elected


Not my fault.

jan has never seen c-span before, apparently

wow, you should see the spelling errors in the south. on a daily basis. everywhere. billboards, the news, ugh - everywhere. i wanna edit the carolinas :tup:


jan has never seen c-span before, apparently

wow, you should see the spelling errors in the south. on a daily basis. everywhere. billboards, the news, ugh - everywhere. i wanna edit the carolinas :tup:


There isn’t enough red-ink in the world to fix that. You’re better off painting a giant “F” across the state.


and 93 octane powered flame thrower.


Thats classic :lol:

what a shitty thread…

-2 stars

i know, i just came back in here

and it’s right up there with the rest of her threads


Is that picture supposed to be funny?

Wow holy shit, theres a typographical error, and an SUV at the pump.

Wow youre amazing for pointing out that irony


edit: If I took the time to take pics of all the dumb shit I see like that, I’d have about 1890123098 pics a day.

Haha oh lay off. If this were the most useless thread this place saw it would be an improvement. At least this is a lame thread catching spelling/grammar errors, rather than a lame thread creating spelling and grammar errors.


Haha oh lay off. If this were the most useless thread this place saw it would be an improvement. At least this is a lame thread catching spelling/grammar errors, rather than a lame thread creating spelling and grammar errors.


Yeah, well Janny in general bothers me. So I’ll jump down her throat any chance I get.

Well. Fair enough I guess. Haha can’t really argue with the logic if you’re just going to put it out there like that. :stuck_out_tongue:

this fits into this thread nicely.


Glad to see that I’m not the only one who doesn’t feel like doing anything productive today. :stuck_out_tongue:


schools out, we live in buffalo, since when does ANYONE want to do anything productive lol. We’re all sitting on a car forum right?:mamoru:


this fits into this thread nicely.


Thought you weren’t posting here anymore…