Big_Reds Eleanor: Memphis Raines tears up the 518

To start off, this was the most intensive photo shoot I have ever done. It spanned a total of 5 days, contained 26 hours of shooting time, and probably at least 3 times that in editing time alone. One shot I have close to 10 hours of editing time into. I’d like to thank CFD Dan for helping me with this shoot also. An extra set of eyes and hands made it much easier.

Would I do this again for another Eleanor owner? Not a chance in hell. I’ve done it once and in my opinion thats all it can be done. The concept that Dave (Big_Red) wanted was to replicate screen captures from the Gone In 60 Seconds movie - not an easy task when the movie was filmed on the exact opposite end of the country in and around Long Beach CA. Not all the shots are a dead match, but they’re close. Some shots were given our own spin, something that looks like it belonged in the movie. Other shots I gave my usual treatment to. As you can see in the shots below recreating a movie still completely goes against my normal method of shooting a car so it was difficult to un-learn what I usually do, and then do something completely different.

Highlights of the shoot: We had a run in with some State Troopers in Albany, I witnessed a Mexican gentleman dry hump the rear quarter panel of the car in South Troy, we had countless people stare, one guy back his car up down a one way street in Troy just to get a second look, a visit from a Government security guard at an old Navy Yard, waking up at 3AM to meet Dave at his house at 5AM, shooting in 96*F high noon sun, and probably a lot more things I am forgetting.

There are 62 photos total; see them all here:




Holyshiotduder. AWESOME> ALL OF THEM


holy good god, amazing shots!

AWESOME!! looks great in all the shots

dude those first few are priceless! great edits and great job + a fun time … ill throw up my set but it isnt a 10th of what yours is


Pics look better than the movie!


u fuckin pussies , i could of gotten a flat bed to use for the best part …

looks good look goooood

Stunning photos.

Holy shit Jim, that is epic. Can’t imagine the work that was involved in that bro.

amazing work!

wow amazing work

Wow man. Insane.

def. killer pics!!!

downright amazing.