BIG REDS wanna be Nick Cage Build thread.

im gonna try to get the other quarter panel done tomorrow along with the doors, the doors don’t need much at all so I should be able to get them done too.

I got an email from the marketing director at CJ pony parts the other day, they are gonna feature my build on their website, give me $500 worth of free parts, and give me discounts on all future purchases. WIN!

congrats man

Damn thats awesome. It should really help with resale too.

can we wait till I finish it before we start with that stallmer talk of resale.

after all that work why would you wanna sell it?

Thats SICK big red congrats. Wish someone hooked us up like that when we built my mustang.

thats really cool, congrats david

Thats fuckin awesome man!

Honestly what makes this build really awesome too is how young you are, the fact your doing anything/everything you can yourself, are funding it yourself and doing everything right and not cutting any corners…

Good work Dave… Seriously man amazing stuff.

tell cj he’s a guud egg

actually Rich Boone was the man who gave me the monies.

I spent a couple hours after class today getting the roof all done. Its all ready for primer now.

better shot of the upper nose piece.

what filler/glazing are you using to finish off the fiberglass? I’ve been on the look out for some better than what I have now.

and damn, that nose looks like your going to have even more fun sanding, fitting, and fiberglassing.

ive been using icing glaze for the final fill.

The nose isnt too bad, it will require a little bit of work but nothing close to what the trunk needed.

Keep up the good work. It’s coming along nicely.

the weather is finally working in my favor. Tomorrow I’m gonna do the other rear quarter. Since the doors need little to no work I might even get them done tomorrow too. I ordered a bunch of little odds and ends today, lower rear valence, hood pin brackets, light tension hood springs. The taillight panel will be here Thursday so I can get the rear end, taillights and lower valence all fitted on Friday. Then next week the hood will be here so I can start working on the fenders, and front end.

The front end looks like its going to be fun. I gotta swing over one of these days and check this thing out

actually doesn’t fit too bad, making the headlight brackets is gonna be the most tedious part. The lower valence isnt gonna be here till the 22nd :banghead

so are you onna paint it before you drive it or plan on drinving it asap? if its gonna be painted by mem day weekend i think i would just wait!

car is moving along very quick! looks good!

Lookin Gud Red

I haven’t really decided yet,Its gonna be another month by the time i have all of the body parts. I think by the time I get everything I need to even make it road legal, get it fitted, its gonna be around that time anyway. So it will prob be painted. It may not be lowered, have the correct wheels, or anything like that but I think there is a good chance it might at least be painted.