BIG REDS wanna be Nick Cage Build thread.

Yeah that. Neal is anal and hes truthful and up front with you hes done a ton of work for me.

What was the name of the shit hole you took the car to in the first place.

Trust me, I know 5K isnt chump change by any means, but when doing a job to the caliber you want it done, it is definately on the cheaper side. The camaro we redid was in about the same shape your car is, and that job was a bit over 9K… Vintage will do you right man, they do top notch work! Either way, hope shit works out for ya man.

Oh and for what its worth, Id be knocking on that mother fuckers door asking for a side skirt. I hope you didnt pay him anything… I kinda wish I went with ya to pick it up

ok cool, Ill give him a call.

I’m not gonna go the legal route just yet I wanna see if he is gonna pay for it first, if not then ill make his life a living hell.

I’m not gonna post the shop info just yet. Like I said before If he refuses to pay for the skirt then ill post it up and we can have a field day with this guy.

Yea I understand, but for $5,000 I should be able to get a decent spray job.

nope thank god I didn’t give him any down payment of any sort.

Here’s a good representation of what happened to this project.

haha yea pretty much…it could have been much worse tho.

and another

Yeah, 5K is more than enough to spray this thing. If you want show quality work without the Capital Region tax, let me know.

dave ask about vintage on a.u.g …see what ya find man . i have known them for yrs and they did 3 cars for barret jacson auctions and what not andd they deff into the local scene as welll

I would think so.

hes gonna come by on friday to look at the car and let me know.

Its not just a “spray” though. Shooting is the fairly easy part. Its addressing minor imperfections, more blocking, 1st prime, blocking, prime, block, final prime, final block, prep, taping/masking, and shooting. Theres alot more to it than meets the eye, and alot of people shit their pants when they get quotes for work like this.

I thought you took it to Vintage in the first place because somewhere in this thread you mentioned taking it there.

Go to bed Paul

not that time yet

Its time, the polish pounder is calling!



nope It was at another shop.

This really blows that you have to fix things that could be prevented, it feels like i hear about stuff like this all to much these days

IDK man. I understand theres still a good degree of work that needs to be done, but all the prep was done for them, they may have had to tweak a few little things here and there but I’d think that the hardest part of the job is done.

5k seems more than sufficient enough to get a pretty decent paintjob done being all the prep was mostly done.

Regardless of that thou, the dipshit should be smart enough to know that you dont leave an exposed prepped car out in the elements.