BIG REDS wanna be Nick Cage Build thread.

hope he picks up the tab bud

The rust is fixable, just grind it back out and fix the body work again. Dave I know you know how to fix it, I am just stating this for everyone else that doesnt know body work. Bondo/filler (unless epoxy based) should never get wet. it absorbs h2o and will break it down. Thats why morons that “shave” handles, lock holes, etc by just bondoing over the hold their shit falls off in a year.

Dave if you find a spot to paint it with a big compressor, water seperaitor, and a clean enough spot to work in I could help you paint it. It really isnt to hard to pick up if you take your time and do it right.

ugh! and i was expecting to see this thing with some paint on it when i opened this thread today! WTF!?

same here dude.

+1 this sucks dave hope it works out!

Wow dave I’m sorry to hear that man, thats some serious bullshit. I’d love to hear his reasoning’s as to why he thinks your work is cobbed. Would also love to know how he’s not being paid enough when most of the hard work was done for them already.

Sorry to hear man. Def give up the name of the shop, but maybe after this is settled. Dont want them to try and say its “slander.” Even though it is not, at all.

o wow. thats just horseshit! definitely take legal action if he doesnt pay u for the damage

Best part is, if this does have to go the legal route, you will be glad you have all those pics to support your case.

So lets go fuck with him, what are we waiting for

Man, that sucks. I’m pretty sure I would have run the guy over the with truck I used to pull the trailer.

Sorry Dave but its a typical you get what you pay for type deal, when you pick the cheapest guy out of all of em to do a job and expect perfection, more times than not they fuck shit up. Sorry to hear about this though man, that sucks! There are only a few people I would trust with my shit around here, and none of them are cheap…

^ solid advice.

… this reminds me of an incident that happened at a shop in the general area of rotterdam :ninja

What a fucking shit head. Bring the car to Neals and have it done right

+1… one of two body shops I’ve had experience with. Both were great, but Neals or Neils or whatever was far cheaper. The other is F&R down the road from me. High end work for a high end price.

Yea he was treating me like a little kid and stuff, tell me this is his shop and dont tell him what to do and this and that. well i’m the customer, I ahve the right to tell him how to treat my car. It was funny his tone changed real fast once I started loading the car back up on the trailer.

Yea its only mild surface rust nothing major…yet. However if left untouched it can be a big headache.

Yea its fixable but the point is I already did it once, the right way. I shouldn’t have to REDO it because hes to fucking lazyto pull the car inside when it rains.

On top of that I told him I would be willing to help him in anyway I could.

See thats the thing, It wasnt the cheapest place. it was apalce that I saw that was in my price range, that did nice work. $5,000 (which is what we agreed on) isn’t a small chunk of change by any means. Esp since all he had to do is final blacking and priming.:crazy

whats their number ill call them:thumbup

Neals (518) 372-9178

F&R if you want it 1-888-477-5717

I just had neal spray the side of the civic and he does an awesome job. He does real good work and is not a dick at all. That or my dads good friend has a body shop he brings all his resto projects to over on Cohoes who does an awesome job.

Dave, my lawyer is an auto enthausiast, one of my customers, and also works for one (if not the) top firms in Albany. PM me if you want his contact info.