Big thanks to Bing and the team!

Ill speakfor the kingston guys that rolled u for the meet and say we had a fucking blast… Hit a tunel on the way home did a nice roll threw then no problems all the way home… ( got home at 230am, lets just say we luved our redbull)

We also saw a s14 broken down on the 403 and… only had 2 ricers try to run us so we boxed them in lol

Thanx again bing an we will all be coming up again next yr!
ps your chicken balls rock!!! lol

Truely a great turnout & a fine example of a great meet!! :cool:

good work on organizing it Bing! also a pleasure doing business with you lol :slight_smile:

haha, the restaurant was boiling hot in there - doubled as a sauna, I think that was the first time I busted the biggest sweat without a big workout, but we were all battling it out & in there.:wink:


i saw you taking a bunch of photos, can we expect an article perhaps in the next modified?

Great meet!

It was my first time to. The Cruise was great, well planned out.

Thanks Bing!

as always thanks again Bingzor…

feel free to organize a fall close out…

the restaurant got hot becuase there was like 75 people in there all of a sudden… it was cool when it was empty…lol

john (logik) you should have intro’d yourself, i would like to put a name to faces from other provinces. thanks for coming.

Definitely seconding that idea :smiley:

with regards to the heat, bing was the only smart one

he had his backpocket towel on hand to wipe the sweat from his brow

I wish I could but there’s just not enough space for these types of meets.

write ur editorial on something about the uprise of tuners being automatically accused as street racers and getting hit hard lately by the police as a result

then use bings meet as a good example of how the tuner community are enthusiats and nothign more and that we can hold civilized events ect ect :stuck_out_tongue:

That would be a perfect idea, I didn’t get a chance to go this year and I would love to see some more pics of it. :wink:

yo Mr. BING… you the man… everything was mint, no cop trouble, no body gave any to heat up an already hot ass day!! nice to have met you, you seem kool in my books!! Cant wait for next year!! and also Mr. SPD… you a funny guy, nice to have met you too, along with the rest of the board keep up the good work!!


Team Draggone

thanks for the meet bing. very organized as usual

So what were the official numbers?

Slide_Junkie said it right, we all had a great time and Ill be happy to make the drive from Kingston for many years to come, and nobody can complain about being at the back of the pack, I was officially the last 240 during on the cruise when we met up before the falls.
I have the green S14 with a NS plate for those who don’t know me.

and i couldnt believe there was even someone from nova scotia that i was cruising behind, that is awesome

i want a 240 so bad :frowning:

That was me lol Im from Kingston but my s14 is still registered in NS hence the NS plate, Im leaving it that way for as long as possible.

i did a few running counts (literally haha)

87 240s on the cruise (plus about 5-6 non 240s)

about 95 showed up in total throughout the day

wicked turnout!

thanks everyone for coming

i dont give a shit what people say… this is still the best community as far as im concerned

the meet wouldnt be possible and it wouldn’t be what it is without all of you

oooh, i was like holy smokes that guy drove all the way down here! your car looks really clean btw!

Thanks man, there were alot of super clean cars there, great day!