Bike inspection info

anyone on here inspect bikes? ill throw them 20$ if they pass mine i just need back brakes not too bad but i leave tomorrow for school or does anyone have an inspection sticker off their bike ill give them 20 bucks for???



It doesn’t take but 30 minutes to do rear brakes, then take it to a shop for a $6 inspection.

Nobody on here that might even be a registered bike inspector will risk there license especially after you made a public post about it.


you are fuckin retarded for posting this out in the open …


well figured I would ask

neg me all you want buddy shift 518 don’t mean shit I’m not losing sleep over it

and no Laduke your “fucking retarded” …look at yourself.

Please tell me you have a Gixxer, it will make my day…:rofl

dude my father and I are both registered motorcycle inspectors and nobody would risk that for someone get the dam brakes fixed

dude , you post this up and you really think someone is going to help you out . They WILL lose there license . THINK before you post something like this … I mean then again you don’t THINK about anything .

May be you missed the part about there is $20 in it for you, that is like 3-1/2 big mac meal right there. :rofl

I have my bike inspector license , your fuckin dumb riding wit bad rear brakes in general your on 2 wheels idiot .

Nah its chill, only like 5 people have died on bikes in the past month or 2


I don’t care if dumb ducks wanna kill themselves by bein unsafe but I do care about the inocentt people also affected by these waste of sperm


+'d :lol

i wouldnt even ride my bike knowing it wont pass, but my bike isnt a jalopy so i dont worry about it.

but im just another DUMB GSXR RIDER.

arent rear brakes the important ones on a bike?

who needs back brakes???.. BC race bike

yes…so are the fronts pjb