Bike Parts

I realized the oil plug on my bike has no dip stick on it. Is there a place locally to pick one up and also a side reflector or do I need to search online.

May help if you list what kind of bike it is…

1999 CBR 600 F4

calling you now.

there is no stick, its a window


calling you back :slight_smile:

Edit: Willy is so smart.

lol <3.

lol. Yeah, no dipstick. Gotta hold the bike straight up and look through the viewing window to see the oil level. Do you have the owner’s manual for the bike?

R6’s has a dipstick though. most new bikes have a window. including the f4 :wink:

Na you saw the bike. My friend bought it used. I am seeing stuff leaking on the ground that looks like oil so i wanna make the oil is at the right level.

What do they check on a bike inspection. The brakes and tires are good and all the lights work including signals. What else?

try a search. they check brakes, tires, lights, horn, you need at least one mirror. idk some other things. all visual

From NY DMV:

Approved lights, including headlight, taillight, stop lamp and license plate lamp, at least one red reflector on the rear and directional signals if the motorcycle was originally equipped with directionals or is a 1985 or newer model.

Red reflector in the rear is built into the tail light right?

Lastly, what oil is suggested?

EDIT: Is it always this hard to get the service department at freewheelin? I have tried to call 4 times this afternoon and have sat on hold for 15 minutes each time. Any other places do inspections?