Bike registration Question

Quick Q: I’m going to be putting the bike away soon, I’m pretty sure I can just take insurance off w/o turning in my plates. Correct?

good question. I am pretty sure I have insurance all year round through progressive, so I am not positive.
If I were to cancel now would I recoup some money?
Is it worth keeping it insured for comp coverage?

edit: sry that doesn’t even come close to answering your question, but this should be a helpful thread for some people.

you have to keep a minimum amount of liability insurance on it in order to keep it registered.

it has to be insured to be registered. if you cancel the insurance, then you haveto turn the plates in. then you have to reregister it next year. my insurance on my bike is so low that it isn’t worth the hassle. plus, i like to ride on those random warm days.


If not the DMV will find out about a lapse of insurance coverage and you will get hit with fines. I had a lapse of insurance on plates when I transfered from 1 vehicle to the next and ended up costing me 200+ from the DMV.

Mine was unisured for 3 years.


Unlike other motor vehicles, liability insurance may be terminated on a motorcycle without first turning the plate in at a DMV office. This makes it easier to put the motorcycle back on the road after winter storage. However, under no circumstances may a motorcycle be operated on public highways without liability coverage in effect.

+1 you can have a lapse on motorcycles

Thanks. I know I read that somewhere.


I keep mine on year round also… Progressive makes it easier having 1 year coverage. Also the longer its on the road… the more progressive will discount the policy when renewing vs. resigning the policy in the spring.

Insurance in case something happens to my garage /stolen in winter > no coverage at all

Just because theres snow on the ground doesnt mean cant happen to your bike.