Bike riders chime in...Sry not motorcycles

So a few things are pushing me to start riding my bike to work

  1. getting fat
  2. save on gas
  3. getting fat

My ride will go from 15min to 1hr.
Wonder what you guys think/feel is a must.

I too have been looking into making the commute on bicycle…
With a shortcut and not stopping at every lights and sign, It only adds 5 minutes to my commute.

What are you planning to do about attire?
Nothing is worse than being that fat smelly guy that gets to work sweaty.

You must wear clothes.
You must pedal to move.
You must bring a change of clothes for work.
You must wear footwear.
You must be aware of traffic.
You must NOT wear tights.

In all seriousness, good for you. Make sure you can get to work without being a sweaty mess (unless that’s cool) and you should probably bring a change of clothes, some water, and a lock for your bike.

If half my commute didn’t take me through the ghetto I’d be riding to work on nice days. I did it a bunch at my last job, kept a change of clothes there. It also helped that we had showers.

In one of the other groups @ work there is an insane rider.

He rides rain or shine YEAR ROUND.
Yes, he rides in the snow.

If you are going to keep a change of clothes at work, you better wear spandex. You are not a cool cyclist if you don’t

---------- Post added at 12:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:27 PM ----------

It’s only the ride home you have to worry about… Unless you have one of those early to bed, early to rise ghettos?

Easy. Do your bike riding after you get out of work.

i’ve ridden my bike from tonawanda to downtown a few times, only adds a couple mins to my commute, but thats hauling ass

sad though, i cannot do that often because i have to drive for work most of the time

Well my work does have lockers and showers. Maybe ill bring a back pack with my clothes for the day. Ride in shorts and shirt then just shower and change.

Although a bright vest would look stupid, so would a tomb stone. Maaaaaybe ill get one

Make sure to have a spare tire on you incase of a flat. Me skurge and a buddy ran into that this weekend… twas not a fun walk 4-5 miles home. lol

A bright yellow or orange shirt would look less stupid and have the same visibility effect during the daytime.

I would totally do this if everything between Snyder and downtown wasn’t hood. No 33 for bikes :frowning:

what kind of terrain? is it all flat well-paved roads? are there bike lanes on your commute?

Depending on how early you ride in, you might want some lights so drivers see you. Also helpful on foggy mornings. Visibility is key.

i should have taken my bike and not ridden that stupid 20"

Hahaha… What a douchebag that cop was.
Cop: “So the park is closed and you cant be here.”
Us: “we have a flat tire”
cop: “well I can see your not bullshitting me”
Us: “so how about a ride back?”
cop: “do you see a sign on the top of my car lit up saying taxi?”

drives away…

Us: “douchebag”

Could have atleast ask how far away we were riding/given one person who had the piece of shit flat tire a ride home.

should of told him his oath is to SERVE and protect

Right… I could have been raped. Thats not cool.

HAH what a jerk.
Spare tire is a good idea. I usually bring a lunch too so maybe a front basket or somesort…ha
Anyways yea actually my old softball shirt is High Lighter Yellow…ill wear that.

As for terrian. Its probably 20% Roads, 5% grassy(cutting through areas) and 75% bike path.
As long as i get to work by 8AM im good so, the whole ride will be daylight.

I should probably take my bike into berts and have them play with my brakes.
My bikes just a crapy $100 one from walmart…so the brakes were never good.
Wish I could slap a motor on it though! Too bad they are illegal =(

---------- Post added at 02:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:43 PM ----------

BTW if you guys dont know you can go to google maps. Select directions and select bike insted of car. Maps you to best route (per google ofcourse)

Im going from 9.1miles and 15min in car
10.4 miles and 55min by bike

You can also use
Mainly for runs and jogs but is great for distances w/o being tired down to roads

I’ve thought about this but my commute is actually too short. 2.1 miles on a bike isn’t enough exercise to make it worth it, nor would I save much money in gas. 4.2 miles x 5 days x 4.333 weeks a month / 14mpg * 4.30/gal = $28/month saved. 2.1 miles each way wouldn’t even get me enough cardio to start burning fat.

OT but dont they say too short of a drive is bad for a car?
I believe the manual lists that under severe conditions
Found this‘Severe_Driving_Conditions’_and_How_Do_They_Affect_Your_Maintenance_Schedule%3F.html

Maybe you would be saving your cars “life”. And if you talking about your GTO, dont ruin that. Its too nice =)