We used to have these things called bicycles. They had two wheels and one was propelled by the person by this action called pedaling.
Anyway. My old bike is too small for me (bought when I was 13). So I want a new bike. It would be ridden in a mix of trails and road. So it would have to be somewhat durable, but not too heavy to make me want to kill myself on the street.
Under $1000. Preferably closer to $500 than $1000. Where can I go shopping that has people that know what they’re talking about?
Alot of the bike shops in buffalo suck ass. Your best bet is finding something you want online and ordering it. It will be cheeper but you will have to do some assembly but nothing too hard.
Sizing isn’t hard, neither is the minimal assembly. Any idiot can adjust breaks and put a front wheel on. Shipping for a complete shouldn’t be over 50 bucks from any reputable mailorder and doesn’t negate the fact that you can save hundreds of dollars by purchasing your shit online. All of the bikeshops other than sunday’s and eric’s cycle works suck.