Bikes are dangerous.

Consider this a long running video series of proof that motorcycles are dangerous

Acts of stupidity including.

And often you have nothing to do with it besides just being there

This is almost a daily occurrence

Cars always win

Just cause you’re good doesn’t mean you won’t crash

Well this is a depressing thread :(.

Nothing worse than seeing a guy having fun on mulholland hwy than suddenly hearing the dreaded sound of metal and plastics dragging :frowning:

I’ve been watching videos from that highway all morning.

Crashing sucks. I think I would cry if I ever went down on a new bike.

That video reminds me of when I took a new-ish rider out on my favorite stretch of road. He decided he didn’t want his brand new white 2010 CBR1000RR anymore and proceded to ride off the road mid-corner. Luckily he wasn’t hurt and had insurance, but he quickly gave up riding.

If every new rider are forced to complete 1 trackday before they are granted a street license, new rider crash rate will probably decrease by 90%.

New riders who mind being seen on a ex250/ex500 are usually the ones who don’t mind crashing a brand new 1k bike. If that is not troll logic, I don’t know what is…:lol

i definitely agree with that

i feel as though the majority of new rider crashes are from going too fast into a corner, then they panic and either stand the bike up and run off the road or hit the brakes while leaned over and lowside. after one trackday they would realize that street tires have an incredible amount of grip and you could double your speed in a corner and still make it without crashing.

Damn cagers

This is 100% preventable.

That guy clearly never took the MSF course. You simply do not ride in people’s blind spot and “expect” drivers to shoulder check or use signal 100% of the time “before” they change lanes.

Unless you absolutely have no choice, ride clear either in front or behind the car next to you.

In his case it was preventable but often it’s not, especially on the highway.

life is dangerous

Well yeah, life is suicide :rofl

life is suicide i wouldnt agree with. i know everyone thats born will die, but time should be your most valuable asset. everything takes time??? so why get rid of best thing you have?

also the quote should read “bikes are dangerous but fun you choose”

Among those lines

“everyone dies, but not everyone lives”

another one

if you can read this your were born

Host of pinks

lol such a squid

MotoGP - experts crash too

Panic braking