bikes vs GT3

anyone seen this video? guy in the porsche can fucking drive. but hes dumb…pretty sick video. Few close calls with the bikes

porsche driver didn’t do anything special. He saved it from crashing once, but a great driver wouldn’t have gotten himself in the situation in the first place.

bikes are lucky this was done on a highway with very wide turns and long straight aways, anything else and they would have been slaughtered.

cool vid though

i dont know what to say really,

because obviously he can drive really really fucking good, and hes got alot of fuckin balls to take those 50 million chances he did, and those guys on the bikes ery very very serious bike riding !

but on both ends, the car driver and the bike riders are both fucking retarded

im really unimpressed with the one bike who had a passenger, idc wat the passenger says you shouldnt ride like that , your seriously putting their life at stake better off holding a loaded gun at their face with a nervous finger on the trigger

the other thing is mad traffic and shit…

idk man, cool video yea… but really really iresponsible, it kills the whole mood

OMG, riders are good/crazy, but that kid driving almost killed alot of ppl.

well idk how many times he been down that highway, prolly alot, but if it was his first time, he was going pretty fucking fast, and around traffic like nothing… so i think thats enough to say he can drive really good…

the part where he almost crashed was fucked up, looks like he almost clipped the bike too

Its not difficult to avoid minimal traffic and drive fast in a straight line. The guy should be applauded for the size of his balls, not his driving “skill” :rofl, imo.

ya maybe so, I dont know the situation so maybe hes gone down that highway a million times idk… but either way you can expect the unexpected when driving around traffic…

IDK about that the 1000RR and the R1 are some serious bikes for any cars to be racing

yes, but nothing unexpected happened in the vid to judge his driving skillz

I guess I’m not as easily impressed as you guys are. I’m not saying he sucks by any means. He def has bigger balls than me, but driving a very fast car very fast on a 3 lane highway and avoiding a few cars in the process isn’t that impressive to me.

so i wasnt saying i was impressed…I thought you were saying that if it was on a track that the GT3 would beat the bikes… also going fast on a 3 lane high way shouldnt impress anyone

I honestly think the guy driving was a idiot bc taking turns like that at that speed with traffic is stupid… it was stupid for the bikes aswell but the bikes can take turns faster easier than cars…

you are completely wrong. A car, especially one like the GT3, would destroy any bike on a track.

youtube it

Cool vid, but in my opinion the participants are fucking morons.
Especially the guy with a pillion.
Racing around a highway like that with a car right on your ass and concrete wall for a guardrail is just asking for trouble. Save that shit for the track. Cheap thrills like that can end up costing a lifetime of regret and a world of hurt if you eat it.

maybe your right but im not sure about that

well i stand corrected

pretty impressive…

Jclark would school you on this to no end

they raced a base model 911 vs an R1, search it, you’ll find it.

Don’t you remember the post Vlad made about taking an off ramp at a high rate of speed on his bike and having a black bimmer with gold wheels fly by him?

edit: I see you found the link. I used to think the way you did as well until I really started to think about the physics of everything. It makes total sense.

look 1 post up

“obviously I’m not going to ride the bike 'cause I’m a heterosexual”

clarkson is the man!

He refuses to ride because he’s 9 feet tall and would look like a chimp on a tricycle, and probably would ride about as good :rofl

  • 1 agree totally

and the top gear vid is awesome, thats my same model and year and color ahhaha

but yea cars handle better for sure !

On 99.999% of tracks, car wins.

He’s driving like an idiot on a highway, how is that great driving?