Bike VS car-ouch

whoa that had to hurt.

i hope that driver lost their liscense. ill bet it was a girl. 75% chance.

where the biker go? lol


here is a funny one


that first guy went flyin:eek: the 2nd guy seemed aiite but pretty stunned

i saw almost the exact same thing b4 in west nukka like 4 years ago…this douchebag kid was tryin to beat traffic and cut the harley dude off, i was the first person to check out the biker guy, he was in shock…then that dude turned out to be a frend of my gramma’s, he ended up with brain damage and whatnot…and that fuckin douche that cut him off still has his liscence and still drives like a fag(which is another reason why i hate the nysdmv for taking my liscence for speeding on the thruway)

juan your a dick…that shit aint funny

I really want to get a bike this summer … but things like what happened in the vid scare the shit outta me! All it takes is some asshole like the person in the car to not notice the biker and next thing you know, the person on the bike looks like the dude at the carnival that gets shot outta the cannon except there is no safety net at the end to catch him :meh:

Saw the first vid, got a shiver, not watching the second vid. That shit really isn’t funny. That guy probably died. Notice how he looked like a rag doll?

Now obviously it wasn’t the biker’s fault, but that demonstrates why I will not let anyone I know begin riding a motorcycle without taking the MSF course. That could have been avoided. He should have been SIPDE’ing (Scan Identify Predict Decide Execute) Identify the traffic and a place to the right that they could turn in to, predict that someone’s gonna pull a dick move, decide that you are going to drop a gear and get your hand curled over the brake lever and give it a little pressure to get the weight already transfered to the front and the chassis settled, then execute. Then when the car turns left as predicted: bam! Your well-practiced threshhold braking skills stopped you before you go cartwheeling like a ragdoll.

Again, not saying that it was the biker’s fault, but that was a textbook example of what kills bikers and could have been avoided with proper riding technique and skill.

that is def a great course, they beat situations like this in your head!

wow dude hit fucking hard

2nd vid is funny…

  1. he is on a moped
  2. unsafe lane change pwnd him. :gotme:

Not sure where it isn’t funny. Prolly broke his tailbone, and learned a lesson

they almost timed the music perfectly in the 2nd one. almost. And yes, it is funny.

the first one is not so funny. he could have came out okay, with a few broken bones, paralized, or dead. nobody knows except for the people there and that know him.
-it was technically the car driver’s fault. no doubt about that. You never have the right of way when making a left turn except with a green arrow.
-bike driver was probably expecting the car to make the turn faster or not at all. Neither happened. the car turned slowly, which was definitely not how to drive with traffic coming.
-I bet the car was being driven by an old lady and the bike by a <20 year old guy.

bikerfry what do you ride… that vid made me shiver, btw your absolutely right… its easy to see people make mistakes seconds before they are made, which if he was on his brakes (properly) he should have been able to stop, modern day sport bikes have phenomenol brakes… if you ride, go to a parkin lot and practice stopping… set up cones and see how quickly you can stop from 30, 40, 50, 60 etc if you havent practiced stopping from a specific speed, you have no business going that fast… period

hard to tell exactly how fast he was going because the amount of travel you actually see him going… it was probably more than 40 but less than 50… and chances are he was distracted by something else and wasn’t paying attention or just didn’t think she was that fucking stupid.

^ I agree with the last part

i love how everyone just keeps driving…

thats totaly normal … people suck at life and dont care if someones dead in the gutter

usualy its car guys like us or medical personal that stop

when i wrecked my budies truck in wyoming , both vhicals had their bumpers shaved so far back that they were actualy between the tires … in 10 minutes at a busy intersection ONE ENTIRE PERSON stopped

the whole person? really? that IS amazing!

seriously, people suck. Not everybody, but damn near everybody.