Biodiesel guru's

lol my father has been doing this for years, the biodiesel to make it you need oil (very picky on oil) peanut oil has the highest “gel point” so thats usually the best… you need methanol… and i think its just those two ingredients with temperature, time and the right mixture.

to have it run on just straight oil you will probably have to heat it, it would really just be a pain in the ass… but you could get an external heater (ELECTRIC HEATER) to heat the tank, and i think there may… be a compatibility thing… like new engines may not be able to run the oil (idk about that though)

my father only uses old mercs he has a 240 (biodiesel) and two 300 turbo diesel (one is a grease car). and my brother is going to try to have a grease turbo diesel truck. Father is also talking me into getting a old merc to run some bio diesel

for him the biodiesel runs abouit 68 cents a gallon to make it. and he didn’t have to buy anything, just found random tanks on the side of the road, and a part here or there that he had.