Bitch on Jersey Shore gets knocked out



Cant stop watching. :rofl

i lolled!

lol awesome…I went to HS with J WOWWWWWWW on that show (real name is Jenni Farley) tried watching the show the other night and wanted to slit my wrist it was so bad.

The look on his face pre-punch is fucking HILARIOUS

ANND, he hits the fat guido next to him too :lol

Is she as retarded in person as she is on the show? More retarded? Even the guido kid thought it was ridiculous that she called herself JWow.

:rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl We’ve all been there. Never noticed the fat guy before.

She looks downright disgusting.

I would have to say more retarded. I totally agree the name thing is ridiculous.

YUP! Very fake.

She get’s fucking WRECKED :rofl

shit is so funny. i saw the gif on another forum and proceeded to :rofl

That’s what she gets for gettin lippy. Bitch got smoked in the grill.

Damn, thats a mean right . :rofl

Looks like the time I knock Bakerian out

Shouldnt you be posting sappy lines on Facebook?

LOL :rofl

Very funny but you made me spit out beer…not cool Jessie.

Dont stand on the track when the train is coming through biatch.

To bad she is so ugly she could make a freight train take a dirt road.

Fucking retarded oompa loopma

i can’t wait to see when she gets decked. what a retard.