Bitch over Iraq in Here

if the US is willing to go to war in the name of freedom why didnt we occupy Cuba. Its only 90miles away and they are socialist. it should have been the first country to be liberated.

Originally posted by Darkstar
I’d rather them channel the billions they are wasting sending probes to mars into social programs… I think the war is a good thing, putting the motivations of going to war aside. The Iraqi people (or any human for that matter) doesnt deserve to live under the tyranny of a murderous genocidal dictator.
space isn’t where we need to explore, we have yet to fully conquer the ocean. I’m sure there is actuall a usefulness out of the ocean.

back to the spending out our money. think of all the money/resources/oil we can’t get to because of the damn do-gooders. Alaska and texas is full of oil we can’t tap into because of tree huggers like algore. the main problem with our country is we have to big of a heart and we neglect our own cause of it. I don’t think any african bushman should get a dime until all the people that don’t have squat here are taken care of.

Originally posted by peterock17
fox news = propaganda

Originally posted by Cutty
what about draft dodging??? bush is fixing everything billy boy’s regime messedup. besides you can’t put all the troubles on the president. CONGRESS!!!

GW Bush should and can still be brought up on AWOL charges!

that piss poor military record of his is 10x worse than Clinton.

Originally posted by peterock17
If you loose a family member or a friend you will complain. all because you wanted to pay .99 for a gallon to gas up your ride.
if my cuz dies, no regrets. It was his choice to join and fight and the consequences lay on his shoulders not mine. Its a sad day anytime we lose a soldier but it was their choice to take that chance the day they signed the dotted line.

Originally posted by thefranchise

that piss poor military record of his is 10x worse than Clinton.
CLinton has no military record, he fled to CANADA.

Originally posted by showtime
I totally agree but…
Just like i said in the other thread…why don’t we do it in other places…somalia, congo, etc… there are military dictatorships in a lot of contries killing inocent people.
it just he has nothing to gain from liberating them.

I’m all for democracy, but one thing my grandfather says…
If its so great how come we have to ram it down everyone throat.
they should want it??


we could liberate the world from terror and lose 1/2 the men, spend 1/2 the money and free 10s of countries into democracy

hell we could help give every country clean water for the price we spent and continue to in IRAQ! think about it

Originally posted by showtime
I totally agree but…
Just like i said in the other thread…why don’t we do it in other places…somalia, congo, etc… there are military dictatorships in a lot of contries killing inocent people.
it just he has nothing to gain from liberating them.

I’m all for democracy, but one thing my grandfather says…
If its so great how come we have to ram it down everyone throat.
they should want it??

All in due time, rome wasnt built in a day… :slight_smile:

I would much rather have seen a diplomatic solution, but sometimes war is the only option. And i dont think that we have to shove it down most people’s throats. You have to remember the ignorance level of the people in these 3rd world countries. YOu think the american media is bad? Imagine having a state run television station that feeds ignorant poor farmers anti-american messages their whole life. post WWI germany is a perfect example of what poverty and lack of morale can do to a country. One crazy man that happened to be a great public speaker almost conquered all of europe because people were poor and angry and were looking for someone to lead them. He gave them someone to blame, someone to be hate, and he convinced them to kill 6 million of these people. If these people had even a small taste of the lives we live here in the USA, im sure they would never want to go back to living under a dictatorship. The sad thing is most of these people dont know anything different.

Originally posted by peterock17
if the US is willing to go to war in the name of freedom why didnt we occupy Cuba. Its only 90miles away and they are socialist. it should have been the first country to be liberated.

ummm there is no oil in Cuba IDIOT! :smiley:

Originally posted by Cutty
CLinton has no military record, he fled to CANADA.

he didnt want to fight and didnt “pretend” he wanted to either. at least he did what he did and followed thru. going AWOL on you troop because you are a stupid drug-alcohol addict then becoming the Commander-in-thief is too much

Originally posted by Cutty
space isn’t where we need to explore, we have yet to fully conquer the ocean. I’m sure there is actuall a usefulness out of the ocean.

back to the spending out our money. think of all the money/resources/oil we can’t get to because of the damn do-gooders. Alaska and texas is full of oil we can’t tap into because of tree huggers like algore. the main problem with our country is we have to big of a heart and we neglect our own cause of it. I don’t think any african bushman should get a dime until all the people that don’t have squat here are taken care of.

Dont piss in the pool you drink in. We need to take car of our planet, or else we WILL use up all our resources and the human race will cease to exist. Not good.

Originally posted by Cutty
I don’t think any african bushman should get a dime until all the people that don’t have squat here are taken care of.

but we should pay for Iraqis to have cell phones? :confused:

you contradict yourself with every other post i swear

Originally posted by peterock17
if the US is willing to go to war in the name of freedom why didnt we occupy Cuba. Its only 90miles away and they are socialist. it should have been the first country to be liberated.

We are working on liberating Cuba… we are taking a slower diplomatic route (sanctions and shit).

Originally posted by thefranchise
ummm there is no oil in Cuba IDIOT! :smiley:

actually there is oil in cuba. but not enough for the US. they can produce oil to support their own country. but they dont use that much oil in the first place.:smiley:

Originally posted by Darkstar
We are working on liberating Cuba… we are taking a slower diplomatic route (sanctions and shit).

yeah. very slow about 40 years now.

the biggest thorn in our side is not the economy, george bush, osama bin laden… its fucken israel. all our problems with the middle east is realted to them. we fuck with those religious radical people because of them and we payed the price. I could care less about the holy land because its one of the worst places of violence on the earth. i don’t care what happends to it. i don’t need some piece of land to tell me i believe in God

Originally posted by thefranchise
but we should pay for Iraqis to have cell phones? :confused:

you contradict yourself with every other post i swear
no i don’t think we should give them money either, but we are there and we might as well do the job right

Originally posted by peterock17
yeah. very slow about 40 years now.

I dont think anyone thought Castro would have stuck around this long. And we DID try and liberate Cuba… (bay of pigs). Patience is a virtue, and Castro isnt commiting genocide on his own people…

actually cubans are pretty happy with their situation. i just wish the embargo would end. I love cuban cigars. Just got a box of Cohiba esplendidos dont ask how i got it but it was $$$.

Originally posted by Cutty
the biggest thorn in our side is not the economy, george bush, osama bin laden… its fucken israel. all our problems with the middle east is realted to them. we fuck with those religious radical people because of them and we payed the price. I could care less about the holy land because its one of the worst places of violence on the earth. i don’t care what happends to it. i don’t need some piece of land to tell me i believe in God

Organized religion is the leading cause of death/discrimination/war/hate of all time. Nothing else even comes fucking close. This world would be so much better off if religion would just disappear. Unfortunately, there are a lot of good people that take a lot of good from religion… I hope this doesnt offend those people.