Bitch over Iraq in Here

jeez if we liberate cuba, there will be no more white guys left in baseball :frowning:

:mad: :mad:

fuck invasions we should have droped the nuke and showed all those mother fuckers we mean bidness

Originally posted by Darkstar
All in due time, rome wasnt built in a day… :slight_smile:

I would much rather have seen a diplomatic solution, but sometimes war is the only option. And i dont think that we have to shove it down most people’s throats. You have to remember the ignorance level of the people in these 3rd world countries. YOu think the american media is bad? Imagine having a state run television station that feeds ignorant poor farmers anti-american messages their whole life. post WWI germany is a perfect example of what poverty and lack of morale can do to a country. One crazy man that happened to be a great public speaker almost conquered all of europe because people were poor and angry and were looking for someone to lead them. He gave them someone to blame, someone to be hate, and he convinced them to kill 6 million of these people. If these people had even a small taste of the lives we live here in the USA, im sure they would never want to go back to living under a dictatorship. The sad thing is most of these people dont know anything different.

good point…simliar to battered wife syndrome

Originally posted by Gnocide
fuck invasions we should have droped the nuke and showed all those mother fuckers we mean bidness
john lay off the sugar! :smiley:

Originally posted by showtime
good point…simliar to battered wife syndrome

Post WWI germany was hell. There was hardly a government, they had just suffered a huniliating loss, and the terms of their surrender totally fucked them. They basically werent allowed to have any industry whatsoever. Joblessness, riots, extreme poverty were the norm, and you have to also remember that their counrty was blown to shit during the actual war. Hitler came through, talking strong, promising to take germany back to the former glory that it once had. The people were reaching for something to grab onto, and he gave it to them. It wasnt until he gained some power that his anti-semetic views started to go public, and by that time the country was infautated with him and hopped right on the bandwagon.

Originally posted by Cutty
the biggest thorn in our side is not the economy, george bush, osama bin laden… its fucken israel. all our problems with the middle east is realted to them. we fuck with those religious radical people because of them and we payed the price. I could care less about the holy land because its one of the worst places of violence on the earth. i don’t care what happends to it. i don’t need some piece of land to tell me i believe in God

yeah these people get on my nerves…i don’t follow it to closely cause it pisses me off, but 2 things…

  1. I have no time for people who throw rock at people with guns & tanks

  2. all this suicide bombing shit all over and the suicide plane attachs…from what i understand…their religion rewards you in the “afterlife” for dying for the religion. and when you die in the name of allah (whoever) you go to heaven and are greeted by 100 virgins etc…
    I can somewhat understand joining these groups…cause if you grow up with nothing and have no future this might sound better. yeah its brain washing but thats al they have.
    But what i don’t understand is this…you leader is telling you all the shit about dying for the cause/religion and what you get when you go to heaven etc…if its so great how come they haven’t done it?

religion fucking sucks

Originally posted by peterock17
religion fucking sucks
when violence is a result of it yeah it does suck.

religious fanatics ruin good religions

Originally posted by Cutty
when violence is a result of it yeah it does suck.

and especially the extremists…they are idiots

Protest abortion cause they say its against their religion, and its murder, but they will bomb an abortion clinic…WTF.
makes no sense.
I hate those bastards with their disgusting sign picketing Megees, and that other clinic across from the exxon in oakland.

Originally posted by peterock17
religious fanatics ruin good religions

Good things can be taken from religion, but i would be hesitant to call any religion good. Religion was originally a means for social control. “Hey stupid biblical era farmer, if you DONT kill and rape everyone, you’ll go to this nice place where everything is great and blah blah… or else you’ll go to this place where you will burn for all eternity.” It kept people in line. It was the basis for society as it stands today, but its outdated and its misinterpretations breed hatred and hostility among billions of people.

rastafari is a good religion.

Originally posted by peterock17
rastafari is a good religion.


Originally posted by peterock17
rastafari is a good religion.


Originally posted by showtime

they just preach to be a good person in general, get shit done, and somke shitloads of pot.

Originally posted by peterock17
they just preach to be a good person in general, get shit done, and somke shitloads of pot.

i know all about it…been to Jamaica a few time, and many of the other islands…my Aunt actually live in Jamaica for a while with some of her friends who were natives no running water, wash you cloths in the river type shit…it was interesting to hear…better her then me.
She has told me all about Rastifari

Originally posted by peterock17
they just preach to be a good person in general, get shit done, and somke shitloads of pot.

Lonely teenage daydream
Of things I just might be
A surreal kind of thinking
Keeps on drifting in on me
My twisted body is lifeless
Not so their twisted minds
Peace through power their motto
Power for peace their crime
Product of our environment
Maybe one day they will legalize weed
In the year 2G the planet could be deceased
We plead to the fleas while we’re beggin’ on our knees
In our hometown Cali with bears and green trees
Birds and the bees, hot sand on the beach
Shells in the sea and I’m living in peace
Like a dog on a leash locked up with no keys
I gotta smoke undercover, motherfuck the police!
Yeah, see the magician pull the rabbit from the hat
The laws an illusion it’s simple as that
Putting us in jail fronting us without a tax
I can see the wires in the levitating act
I can hear the lies and they’re calling them facts
I can see the bars and they’re lookin all cracked
I read between the lines but the lines are all crap
I can feel the knife turning in my back
How would life be if the world smoked weed
Guaranteed there’d be peace not greed
See, it’s hell, living in a cell
Legalize the plant only time will tell
You are a sacred being of light
Projected into reality for a purpose
Demand the right to your moment
In this holographic gift with no rules, and no borders
Except for those who you choose to accept and live by
Abolish government means nothing to me
Forget about god, he’s not here to see
We live by a system, a perfect mold
People perfect people who are poor and old
Lies were spent on a ladder of the sad
They said we’re lookin for a method in this world
Presidents are named, Presidents are labeled
Highest man on the government table
America, land of the free
Free to the power of the people in uniform
How would life be if the world smoked weed
Guaranteed there’d be peace not greed
See, it’s hell, living in a cell
Legalize the plant only time will tell
Society, fuck it, I’ve had enough
This system’s full of crooks, straight up corrupt
You look like a decoy bobbin’ like a duck
And your money says you’re smokin on a BC Bluff
You’re caught up in the headlights of my V-Dub bus
TSOL and the Kings about to even things up
Your birds will take all the air out the sky
Bring you down to our level
You can run, can’t hide
Product of our environment
A lonely teenage daydream
Of things I just might be
A surreal kind of thinking
Keeps on drifting in on me
My twisted body is lifeless
Not so their twisted minds
Peace through power their motto
Power through peace their crime
The government keeps all control over the population
While the schools teach the kids restricted education
Murder, Rape, Sex, Underage prostitution
They got the war on pot, they got the wrong solution
I wake and I bake, nowhere to escape
Livin’ life in a tank they invade my space
Betrayed full of hate while they’re shootin’ all blanks
Society’s lost in a paranoid state
It’s the illusion of ownership,
It’s take what you can get
The banks are the loan sharks
And everyone’s in debt
And if you get ahead how quickly you forget
You’re hanging from a burning rope
Without a safety net
They tax you when you sell
They tax you when you buy
They take half when you live
Then they take half when you die
These are the lies that they are stating as facts
I can see the wires of the levitating act
How would life be if the world smoked weed
Guaranteed there’d be peace not greed
See, it’s hell, living in a cell
Legalize the plant only time will tell
I’m glad that I can read
I’m glad that I can write
I read their fuckin’ bullshit every single night
When off in my head went a little fuckin light
It told me what was wrong it told me what was right
World bank
Power and control
Issuing the money and they’re dollin’ out the roles
Charging what they want to with the money they control
Living in their nightmare
Giving them your soul!

  • KMK

Originally posted by showtime
i know all about it…been to Jamaica a few time, and many of the other islands…my Aunt actually live in Jamaica for a while with some of her friends who were natives no running water, wash you cloths in the river type shit…it was interesting to hear…better her then me.
She has told me all about Rastifari

<- Been to Montego Bay twice

Originally posted by Darkstar
<- Been to Montego Bay twice

montego bay <- bad song