Bitch over Iraq in Here

Originally posted by showtime

Freeing a contry is a good thing and i’m 100% for it…but as i have stated…how come we aren’t liberating other contries who have been in turmoil and/or under a military dictatorship way longer then Iraq?
its cause the pres and his boys have nothing to gain from liberating them.

because we cannot just go from one country to another. We do not have the resources both financial or manpower to do that. Iraq is a strategic country due to its location in the arab world and Saddam was the worst of a bunch of bad apples. We will hit others when the time is right. Hopefully this will send a message to other nations so they will do everything they can to avoid the wrath of the US military.

BTW Peterock, sorry about the name calling. I just makes me mad when liberals such as yourself spout out all of the rhetoric such as “no war for oil”. It’s not about oil and never was. It’s just liberal spin to get the weak minded against anything a republican leader does. Did I mention that I voted for GWB? As if you couldn’t tell. :slight_smile:

Originally posted by showtime
I’ve seen a few videos of them questioning whats going on and what is going to be done. I don’t know if thats considered complaining but if not its pretty close…
asking questions like…how many more have to die before we get more help or leave Iraq.

You can love your contry but still be suspect of the presidents intentions.
I’m sure out of the thousands of military personnel there are a few that do not want to be there. When you have that many people, situations like that are inevitable. What burns my ass is that with such a small percentage feeling that way, why does the media focus it’s attention on those individuals? Because the media is liberal and wants the general public to think the troops are against the war so they will be against the war. And therefore against Bush leading to a democratic victory this fall (which will not happen).

Originally posted by Cutty
i may have read this comment wrong but to me its like you are calling out everyone that doesn’t go fight. just because someone doesn;t join the army doesn;t mean they are a pussy. Do military people think they really are more of a man cause they go to battle? I mean what about all the people who can’t go. I’ll tell you right now i wouldn’t get taken in a draft cause my vision is terrible without glasses.
I don’t think he was referring to you.

Originally posted by Black_WS6
I’m sure out of the thousands of military personnel there are a few that do not want to be there. When you have that many people, situations like that are inevitable. What burns my ass is that with such a small percentage feeling that way, why does the media focus it’s attention on those individuals? Because the media is liberal and wants the general public to think the troops are against the war so they will be against the war. And therefore against Bush leading to a democratic victory this fall.

thank you and verry well put

Originally posted by Cutty
i may have read this comment wrong but to me its like you are calling out everyone that doesn’t go fight. just because someone doesn;t join the army doesn;t mean they are a pussy. Do military people think they really are more of a man cause they go to battle? I mean what about all the people who can’t go. I’ll tell you right now i wouldn’t get taken in a draft cause my vision is terrible without glasses.

i was talking about all the guys cutty that just bash what are coutry does and what we stand for…i am just sick of the ignorance while are soldiers are in harms way

Originally posted by Black_WS6
It just makes me mad when liberals such as yourself spout out all of the rhetoric such as “no war for oil”. It’s not about oil and never was. It’s just liberal spin to get the weak minded against anything a republican leader does. Did I mention that I voted for GWB? As if you couldn’t tell. :slight_smile:

Originally posted by Black_WS6
Because the media is liberal and wants the general public to think the troops are against the war so they will be against the war. And therefore against Bush leading to a democratic victory this fall.

The “no war for oil” people are ALMOST as bad as the “blame everything on ther liberal media” people…


Originally posted by Darkstar
Good god are you that fucking ignorant? The anti-war people are protesting the war BECAUSE THEY DONT WANT TO SEE AMERICAN SOLDIERS DIE! You are choosing the wrong people to hate bud. If you dont like it, get the fuck out… Thats gotta be the most ignorant statement of the year. Last time i checked, all the soldiers that died in the name of this country fought for liberty and freedom. That includes freedom of speach. Freedom to have a differing opinion. To say that just because someone doesnt thing that Iraq posed enough of a threat to endanger american lives, they should get the fuck out of the countrt, is the definition of ignorance. Questioning the government when its unpopular, taking a stance on an issue, is just as patriotic as guzzling a budweiser and chanting Kill Saddam like a good majority of the nation is right now. :rolleyes:

Awaiting Slowcamaro’s response on above post…

Originally posted by Darkstar
The “no war for oil” people are ALMOST as bad as the “blame everything on ther liberal media” people…

almost :slight_smile:

Originally posted by Black_WS6
almost :slight_smile:

If i were an outsider looking in on american politics, i would think that our country is run by 6 year old conspiracy theorists. :rofl:

Originally posted by Black_WS6
Because the media is liberal and wants the general public to think the troops are against the war so they will be against the war. And therefore against Bush leading to a democratic victory this fall (which will not happen).

the media is far from liberal…unless you always watch c-span

Originally posted by Black_WS6
Iraq is a strategic country due to its location in the arab world and Saddam was the worst of a bunch of bad apples. We will hit others when the time is right. Hopefully this will send a message to other nations so they will do everything they can to avoid the wrath of the US military.

i disagree…
I feel that Iraq needed to be liberated, but i think the pres. had alterior motives. I don’t think it was strategic at all. He just wanted us to think that.
There a tons of horrible things that have been going on and still going on in other contries, genocide, ethnic clensing, brutal military dictatorships, and you don’t see us doing a thing about it.
I just think that the pres. saw a personal opertunity for him and his friends and used “terrorism”, WOMD, and our contires already dislike of Iraq to blurr the real story.
and like i said…i’m 100% for the war (well maybe 99%) but i just think the pres. is crooked and shady

Originally posted by showtime

There a tons of horrible things that have been going on and still going, genocide,you don’t see us doing a thing about it.
but i just think the pres. is crooked and shady

what do i have have to do with this? and name 1 president that wasnt shady…

Originally posted by Gnocide
what do i have have to do with this? and name 1 president that wasnt shady…
