Bitch over Iraq in Here

Originally posted by snowhitegolf95
x2 assholes
x2 people are always goonna bitch its part of life

x3 Assholes
x3 people are always goonna bitch its part of life


Originally posted by ToMeGuN
Guess we should have waited around until he got his hands on some Nukes ? :rolleyes:

never had, nor could ever afford the power of nukes

btw why isnt N Korea invaded yet? they actually possess WMD and nukes

soon enugh

Originally posted by snowhitegolf95
soon enugh

Never IMO; we never fuck with a country that has nukes b/c it means INSTANT non-re-election

the obvious impact if one of them were to off would cause HUGE reprocussions.

hence we invaded iraq since we knew they had shit to attack us with

Another War is Inevitable and eventually nukes will be used…its just a matter of time.

Shame we can’t all get along huh ? :frowning:

Originally posted by ToMeGuN
Another War is Inevitable and eventually nukes will be used…its just a matter of time.

Shame we can’t all get along huh ? :frowning:

Originally posted by Black_WS6
you are so brainwashed you little twit. You hear some hippie flower child spout off about why the war is wrong and you follow along like a fucking lemming. Saddam is out of office and gas is still 1.55 a gallon. Now that that argument is shot down, what else?

i dont really give a fuck about gas prices. shit gas in this country is cheap compared to the rest of the world. cutty just mentioned that we really wont be complaing when gas prices go down and that he was making the assumtion that gas prices will go down. I was just trying to tell him that its not worth it to loose family over gas prices.

and what the fuck is up with the name calling. cant we argue matrurely.

or i guess terrorism …your a closed minded idiot…i guess you didnt care about the rapde and torture chambers…and also i guess the united states didnt have to fight hitler simce it wasnt a direct threat to the United States…

Originally posted by slowcamaro
or i guess terrorism …your a closed minded idiot…i guess you didnt care about the rapde and torture chambers…and also i guess the united states didnt have to fight hitler simce it wasnt a direct threat to the United States…


Freeing a contry is a good thing and i’m 100% for it…but as i have stated…how come we aren’t liberating other contries who have been in turmoil and/or under a military dictatorship way longer then Iraq?
its cause the pres and his boys have nothing to gain from liberating them.

[QUOTE]Originally posted by peterock17
and what the fuck is up with the name calling. cant we argue matrurely. [/QUOTE

seriously i take this personally…1st if you dont like what is going on LEAVE the fucking country.

right b4 christmas i went to a funereal for a soldier that got killed.
it was hard but i know they guy died for the weak pussy’s like you. that are two afraid of there shadows.

2nd :asshole until you were in combat or a conflict your opinion does not mean shit to me…and i was and can prove it…i was in Bosnia…also i am and was scheduled to go overseas …

but assholes like you give this country a bad name…i got friends that went overseas and are loosing money because there civilian jobs payed more…do you hear them complianing…fuck no…they do it for the love of the country…so maybe you should fucking leave


now i can take a breath

unplug ur PC first!!!

:confused: :confused: :confused:

Originally posted by slowcamaro
do you hear them complianing…fuck no…they do it for the love of the country…so maybe you should fucking leave

I’ve seen a few videos of them questioning whats going on and what is going to be done. I don’t know if thats considered complaining but if not its pretty close…
asking questions like…how many more have to die before we get more help or leave Iraq.

You can love your contry but still be suspect of the presidents intentions.

you know whatever you do you will have a few people say negative things…but take a poll and see what is said

Originally posted by slowcamaro
you know whatever you do you will have a few people say negative things

I totally agree

Originally posted by slowcamaro
but take a poll and see what is said

like this one

In retrospect, what do you think of Bush’s case for war?

48% He deliberately misled the public 12,373
30% It was completely legitimate 7,813
22% He may have stretched a little, but the overall reasoning was sound 5,581

Total votes: 25,767

and whats you stand on what i said previously??

Originally posted by showtime

Freeing a contry is a good thing and i’m 100% for it…but as i have stated…how come we aren’t liberating other contries who have been in turmoil and/or under a military dictatorship way longer then Iraq?
its cause the pres and his boys have nothing to gain from liberating them.

Originally posted by slowcamaro
[QUOTE]Originally posted by peterock17
[B]and what the fuck is up with the name calling. cant we argue matrurely.

was hard but i know they guy died for the weak pussy’s like you. that are two afraid of there shadows.

i may have read this comment wrong but to me its like you are calling out everyone that doesn’t go fight. just because someone doesn;t join the army doesn;t mean they are a pussy. Do military people think they really are more of a man cause they go to battle? I mean what about all the people who can’t go. I’ll tell you right now i wouldn’t get taken in a draft cause my vision is terrible without glasses.

Originally posted by slowcamaro
[QUOTE]Originally posted by peterock17
[B]and what the fuck is up with the name calling. cant we argue matrurely.

seriously i take this personally…1st if you dont like what is going on LEAVE the fucking country.

right b4 christmas i went to a funereal for a soldier that got killed.
it was hard but i know they guy died for the weak pussy’s like you. that are two afraid of there shadows.

2nd :asshole until you were in combat or a conflict your opinion does not mean shit to me…and i was and can prove it…i was in Bosnia…also i am and was scheduled to go overseas …

but assholes like you give this country a bad name…i got friends that went overseas and are loosing money because there civilian jobs payed more…do you hear them complianing…fuck no…they do it for the love of the country…so maybe you should fucking leave [/B]

Good god are you that fucking ignorant? The anti-war people are protesting the war BECAUSE THEY DONT WANT TO SEE AMERICAN SOLDIERS DIE! You are choosing the wrong people to hate bud. If you dont like it, get the fuck out… Thats gotta be the most ignorant statement of the year. Last time i checked, all the soldiers that died in the name of this country fought for liberty and freedom. That includes freedom of speach. Freedom to have a differing opinion. To say that just because someone doesnt thing that Iraq posed enough of a threat to endanger american lives, they should get the fuck out of the countrt, is the definition of ignorance. Questioning the government when its unpopular, taking a stance on an issue, is just as patriotic as guzzling a budweiser and chanting Kill Saddam like a good majority of the nation is right now. :rolleyes:

2nd :asshole until you were in combat or a conflict your opinion does not mean shit to me…and i was and can prove it…i was in Bosnia…also i am and was scheduled to go overseas …

but assholes like you give this country a bad name…i got friends that went overseas and are loosing money because there civilian jobs payed more…do you hear them complianing…fuck no…they do it for the love of the country…so maybe you should fucking leave [/B]

i supported the war
i support my country
and i am suspect of Bush’s ppl, and I’m a repub

but IMO this warhawk bullshit is for fags, maybe you were fired up. i’m glad we did something, i guess war was inevitable sometime in the past/next couple decades. but get off your soldier high horse… why am i not in the military? b/c my smart ass went to shcool instead. I got an academic scholarship and loaned the rest, no jump shot, no daddy’s help (I still have $20,000 to pay!).

i know ONE person who joined the military to be in the military, not to run away from a pregnant girlfriend, get away from their parents, get college $$, or a job/training… and that guy went to the Naval Academy instead of some Ivy league school. you don’t have to have any contacts with the military to have an educated viewpoint or valid opinion.:rolleyes:

PS… polls are fucking obvious lies… same day CNN gave the war a 40some% approval but Fox said 70some%